Chapter 2

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I had no idea how to dress without looking suspicious.

Staring at my limited clothing options, I realized my chances of getting murdered before I even step foot into their world were getting higher.

I groaned, knowing there had to be something in this hurricane of a closet I could wear. I threw a few more dress shirts out of the way before I stumbled across a tight black crop top. I pursed my lips, knowing the last time I wore this was in high school.

I blinked the memories away and threw the shirt on my bed, grabbing a pair of black ripped jeans from inside the closet as well.

I knew I had to wear my hair up. It was to show I had nothing to hide, and that I was being open. I'd learned this from prior experience with other gangs.

I also knew I was bound for deeper inspection because this was the Bangtan Boys. That gang all of Seoul feared. They had high security, and could probably tell if I was wearing a wire.

The chief's words rang inside my head.

"They'll probably make you strip into your underwear, so be ready for that. We can't let you wear a wire because their inspections are way too thorough. You can't wear an earpiece either because they check everything. They've been infiltrated before, they know everything there is to know."

I sighed, looking over at the brand new phone sitting on my mattress. I had needed to get a new phone because my phone was connected to the station. If they were to take my phone (which the chief has told me they will) and see any of my coworkers contacts, I'll be killed on site.

This was too much.

I was starting to feel like the criminal as I changed out of my clothes. Such a thorough inspection...

The phone buzzing on the bed made me jump a little. I looked over to see it was a phone call.

From Jungkook.

I swallowed hard, reaching over and sliding the button to the right.


"Ah, so you actually had the balls to answer?" A rapsy voice reponded, followed by a low chuckle that sent shivers down my spine. "I like you already, Lina."

"W-why did you call?" I asked hesitantly. Another chuckle made my hair stand up straight.

"Am I not allowed to call you?" He questioned me.

"Thats not what I meant-"

"I'll see you in a few hours," he cut me off, and the line went dead before I could respond.

"What the hell?" I said to myself, tossing the phone away and turning back to the mirror.


"Lina Kim," I whispered to myself for the 1000th time.

"Kim" was my new last name. Since I was an agent, my real name (Lina Monroe) was most likely in the system, and if they happened to look it up, they would find me. Even though the chances were slim.

However, Chief said he deleted my file off the internet "just in case".

I was standing underneath a metal bridge with cars rushing past above my head. The cool breeze from the cars tickled my exposed skin and I tried tugging down the crop top with no luck.

Because I had gotten a little thicker since high school, the shirt was a little tight and showed more skin than I was expecting.

It wasn't really a problem for me, but because I was about to be surrounded by a bunch of guys, I felt like I was showing a little much.

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