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I silently follow behind Hunter and Tasha as they walk into Alpha Darrins pack house as if they own it, and I suppose that in a way that is slightly true. Each of the Alphas had grown up with one another and after they all became Alphas they had all helped each other with their Packs, helped build the homes, and helped take care of any problems the other had. That had made all three Packs one large family. One that seems as unbreakable as the Kings Kingdom was with his brothers all those years ago.

Hunter and I have not said a single word since we had seen all of those pictures last night. The thought alone of having to go through more pictures like the ones we saw only a few hours ago makes us both feel uneasy. But I also feel anger, pure rage at a man I do not even know for harming a child that I have never even met before, and just smelling Tasha makes my veins flame with a need for blood. But since she is not only with child, but also Hunters mate, I do nothing to harm her, I do nothing to even show her that I know she is there and it makes her fill with worry.

"Hunter!" A squeal fills the air as one of Alpha Darrins youngest children runs into the room breaking each of us out of our dark thoughts as he throws his small body into Hunters opened arms making the boys voice leave him in a squeal as Hunter spins him around in the air. My jaw clenches as Tasha gives a soft giggle but I ignore it as a beautiful curly brown haired woman steps into the room with a large smile on her face. Haley is Alpha Darrins mate and she is a good one at that. Not only is she beautiful but she has the personality that any Luna would be jealous of. She is caring, loving even to those she knows nothing about but if they are in a tough place or in any trouble she will be all to willing to help them. She is known most for being a bright and happy person, but nobody alive would dare to even try to harm her, not because of who her mate is or who his friends are, but for just how powerful she truly is herself.

"Hello Hunter, it is nice to see you again. Draven." She nods her head making her curls bounce as she does so but I ignore her as I turn my head and look through one of the many windows within the house. "Darrin is in his office with Justin, you know where it is. Now if you do not mind, this little one is in much need of a nap." She takes the small child from Hunters hold as she speaks sending him a soft smile of thanks only to look at Tasha with a lifted brow. "Do you wish to have some tea today Tasha?" She is about to reply when Hunter cuts her off to answer for her.

"We actually need to speak to Darrin and Justin today, but once we finish she is free until we leave." His deep voice is empty of any emotion as it leaves his lips making a jump leave Luna Haley just as Tasha goes tense at the sound.

"O-of course Hunter." Haley bows her head in respect before she gives Tasha a worried look and leaves the room with her child in her arms.

"Did I do something wrong?" Tashas soft voice leaves in a fear filled whisper as she looks to Hunter but he says nothing to her as he begins to walk further into the house and up the long set of stairs with us silently following behind him until he reaches a set of double doors that he pushes open as if it is his office instead of Darrins. But this is something that they all do to one another so I remain silent about it and take in both of the Alphas that are already seated within the large room.

As always Alpha Darrin is behind his large redwood desk. His thick arms are crossed over his solid chest as he takes us in but he remains silent as we all get situated. He has a lean body that is outlined with muscles to scare off outsiders. His jaw is strong and as sharp as Hunters, his cheekbones are high and pronounced, his cheeks hollow in a healthy way, his nose is small and straight, his lips are full and plump with a light pink shine to them, his hair is a dark blonde just one shade away from being brown, and his eyes are a soft gray that never seem to miss a thing. Beside him is Alpha Justin, and like Darrin, he is large standing at a six foot three where Darrin and Hunter both stand at a six foot four, but where he lacks an extra inch in height he has it in muscles as they layer his body. He has a sharp jaw and a small nose with a slight hitch in it, he has low set cheeks with cheekbones that seem to still be slightly pronounced, his lips are not as plump as the others are but they are full with a light pink color. He has slightly pointed ears that poke past a dark shade of brown hair that dangles to his jaw, and he has bright crystal blue eyes. Both Alphas are more caring than they look to anyone that catches a glimpse of them.

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