Chapter 1: Reunited

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Running seemed nearly impossible to do right now.

Why aren't my legs moving the way I want them to ?

Why aren't I moving anywhere ?!

I try to scream with to find that no sound came out.

Looking behind me I see him getting closer to me, the boy I wished I never had to see again.

Squeezing my eyes shut I try once again to run but continue to just walk.

"THIS IS USELESS !!" I yelled throwing my body to the ground.

I then felt an arm throw itself around my neck...


The sound of the alarm clock woke me up, or should I say... saved me from that nightmare.

I rubbed my eyes as I grab my phone to turn off my alarm.

A hard sigh came out my mouth looking at the time, it was 6:30 AM and waking up this early was not my thing.

IS not my thing

But ever since the school year started I've been getting up early to take my boyfriends, Youngjae, sisters to school.

He goes to work crazy early in the morning, around 3:00 AM to be exact, and his mother carpools with him since they work in the same building.

They don't have anyone else to take the girls to school and since Youngjae and I have been together for 4 years now, they've put their trust in me to take them and even pay me gas money for it.

I love his family so it's no harm no foul really.

Well, other than having to wake up early like this.

I stretch my arms out open and toss my legs around trying to crack my back with no luck.

A yawn escaped my mouth once I stood up to slide my slides on and do my morning routine.

First stop, the bathroom to do my business and brush my teeth.

Looking up from the sink into the mirror, I'm met with my horrid reflection.

I swear there's a bird that secretly lives in my hair and turns it into its nest every night.

Once I'm done brushing I decide to just throw it into a bun because I'm not really going anywhere special, I'm just going to be in the car.

The clock that hung on the bathroom wall read 6:55 AM, "geez where does the time go?"

I head out the bathroom and head to my second stop, the kitchen, then grab a quick breakfast to eat on the way to Youngjaes house.

"Good morning little bird" my mother cooed happily as she pours herself a cup of coffee, "taking Youngjaes sisters to school again?"

My actual name is Nari, my mother calls me bird because she says I sing as sweet as a bird, or ... I should say used to sing as sweet as a bird, I haven't sang seriously in years, since before Youngjae and I got together.

"Good morning Mama bird, yeah I'm going to be heading out right now just trying to find something to put in my stomach real quick" I motion patting my tummy.


A pear smack me in the arm and fell to the floor.

"OW MOM!!" Rubbing my arm I bend over to pick the fruit off the floor.

"Um .... did you really just throw a pear at me?" I stare at the fruit in confusion and turn my gaze to my mother who's laughing.

"I'm sorry Hunny but I said catch, it's not my fault you didn't catch it" she shrugged and continued drinking her coffee.

Bittersweet Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now