Chapter 4: Youngjae VS Jungkook

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Without hesitation Jungkook stepped up to Youngjae, making the space between their faces shorten.

"I could say the same to you Youngjae"

"Unlike you Jungkook I have the right to be here at MY girlfriends house!"

The expression on Jungkooks face was of pure anger with a hint of disbelief, he looked passed Youngjae and up at me, "HIM!?"

My mouth was open to respond but nothing came out.

That look... it was all too familiar.

Jungkook shoved Youngjae to the side and stepping closer to me, "I knew there was something between you two! And you say IM the bad guy?! Do you think you can play me as a fool!?"

His voice raised with every word he spoke and I swear I could see fire in his eyes.

Before he could get any closer to me, Youngjae stepped between us like before and shove Jungkook back twice as hard as he did causing Jungkook to stumble and fall off the steps of the front porch, landing head first.

"I dare you to raise your voice at her again! We're not in high school anymore Jungkook it's better you learn your place now."

Jungkook was unable to respond as he lay on the floor in grumbling in pain.

Some blood could be seen dripping off of his hand and onto the ground, the sight of it seemed to please Youngjae in some odd way but it didn't give me the same satisfying feeling although it should of.

I know it's not right but a small part of me wanted to run down the steps and hold his head for him and help him.

No matter how bad of a person Jungkook is, doesn't mean that I have to be on that same level, I'm not that person and maybe I'm too nice, but he just busted his head open because of my boyfriend.

I tried to walk down to him but was stopped when I felt a hand grab mine.

"Leave him Nari, he didn't care for you when you laid on the floor damaged."

I hear what he's saying and I know it's true, but why don't I feel anger right now.

My eyes look down at this man in a vulnerable state I see no threat... but Youngjaes right, I know what he's truly capable of.

Turning my back to Jungkook I'm faced with the loving face that I've known for so long now, "you're right, let's go inside Youngjae I don't wanna be out here anymore."

Youngjae interlocked our fingers together and pulled me close to him, planting a kiss on my lips before he guided me back inside my house.

Before either of us were able to shut the door Jungkook got one last word in, "You'll regret this Youngjae!"

A chuckle escaped Youngjaes lips and gave Jungkook an amused look, "no, I don't think I will, have a nice life Jungkook, go get your head checked out why don't you"

And with those final words Youngjae shut the door and locked it behind him.

"Well now, how bout some lunch"

Bittersweet Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now