Chapter 6: Anniversary Crasher

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The sun shinning through my curtains woke me up before my alarm had a chance to.

My bed felt oddly empty so I picked up my head a bit to look around and noticed Sophie wasn't on the bed with me.

"Huh, she must be outside handling her business."

I sat fully up right on my bed and stretched out my arms but in mid stretched I remembered last night.


I looked off the side of my bed and saw nothing, he wasn't there.

"He just if left already ? Huh, I didn't think he'd actually be gone by now.."

I don't know why but a part of me is a little disappointed that he didn't even wake me up to say goodbye.


I grabbed my phone to check out the time and see what I missed in the world.

My phone read 8:30 AM and a text message went unopened from Youngjae saying, "Happy anniversary beautiful, I'll be by to pick you up at 10 AM for our date, wear something nice ;) love you x"

"SHIT ! I take forever to get ready and it's already almost 9 ! I need to shower !"

I ran to my closet and picked out some ripped black jeans and a white cropped top and a blue jean jacket to go with it.

Making my way to the shower I hear a noise coming from the kitchen, "damn it they just if left food on the table and Sophie got it, I don't have time for this I'll clean it later"

Deciding to ignore the sound I made my way into the shower.

Jungkooks POV
I saw Nari frantically running into the bathroom with a handful of clothes.

She must be late for something.

I know I should be gone by now but I really wanted to show her I was thankful for her letting me stay the night, so I decided to make her favorite breakfast, fried egg with cut up potatoes and toast.

She's always been a simple girl which is what I had loved about her when we we dating... what I do love about her.

I never had to do too much thinking about what to do or get her, she made everything so easy for me, I can't believe I screwed it up.

I still plan on getting her back, just don't know how.

In the middle of me cooking Sophie started to jump on my leg signaling that she wants food.

"You hungry girl ?? Here." I drop her a piece of bacon that I made for myself.

I would of made Nari bacon but she surprisingly doesn't like it ? She must be the only human in the world who hates bacon, whatever though more for me."

* * * * * * *

Some time went by and Nari was still in the bathroom.

"Jezz whats she doing in there I heard the shower turn off like an hour ago, her foods getting cold."


"I'll just put it in the microwave and leave a note."

I got up to look for a paper and pencil when I heard a knock at the door, "who's that?"

I made my way over to the door and opened it, coming face to face with someone who really wasn't happy to see me, and for good reasons.

"Youngjae, hi"

The rage was filling him more and more by the second and I could clearly see that.

"Jungkook ?! What the fuck are you doing here !? Where Nari ?!"

"She's in the shower Youngjae, look this isn't what yo-"

"Youngjae ?"

I turned my attention to Nari who was standing behind me, she looked scared of the situation."


Youngjae shoved passed me standing too close to Nari, making her sink into herself.

"What the fuck is this guy doing here ?"

"Well... you see it's a long story but he wasn't supposed to be here and you weren't really supposed to find out"

"Not supposed to find out ?!" Youngjae stepped closer to her and she took steps back to create space between them.

"What in the hell is that supposed to mean Nari ?!" He was stepping closer and closer to her making her attempts to make space a fail.

Her eyes shifted to me and Youngjae, pure panic filling them.

Nari went over to him and placed her hands on his shoulders, "It was just one time he was gunna go home this morning, his dad -"

"I've heard enough I'm done with this", Youngjae threw her hands off of him and shoved her to the side causing her to his her side on the wall

I clenched my fist and stepped up to him, standing chest to chest I told him, "touch her like that again and you'll be sorry."

"Like you're one to talk Jungkook, that was a tickle compared to what you've done to her"

"Oh you son of a-"

"Guys please stop", Nari stood in between us and I softened my hands where as Youngjae stayed mad, "Jungkook don't hurt him please"

"Wow so now you think I can't handle my own ? Whatever I'm out of here."

Youngjae pushed passed Nari and I and walked to the door opening it, before her left he looked over his shoulder at Nari and said "happy last anniversary love." And shut the door.

Immediately she fell down to the floor in tears, it shattered me seeing her like this.

"Nari... Nari please don't cry."

"Jungkook why ? You're supposed to be gone ! You said you'd be gone !" More tears formed in her eyes.

"Nari I'm .. I'm sorry", I knelt down to the floor to be eye level with her, "I just wanted to make you breakfast to show my gratitude.. I didn't know he was coming or else I wouldn't of opened the door, I would have left .. honest."

She didn't respond, instead she just came into my arms and cried some more.

I can't stand seeing her like this... is this what i would do to her all those years ??

My heart broke at that thought, she doesn't deserve such heart ache.

I reached down and held her face to make her look at me, her eyes were puffy and her face was wet with tears but even so, I've never seen someone so beautiful, "you're stunning Nari..."

She grabbed one of my hands that caressed her face and held it in hers, giving me a small smile.

"C'mon", I wiped her tears away, "let's go out."

"What ? No no I don't wanna go anywhere at all I just want some pickles and chocolate milk and I wanna sleep in bed all day."

"Okay, first of all... gross combination of food", we both giggled and I guided her back onto her feet, "second of all, you got all dressed up and people deserve to see how nice you look, don't let it go to waste"

She was hesitant at first but eventually she responded with..

"Yeah .. okay yeah sure why not, what's the worse that can happen."

"Great !!" I jump around clapping my hands together in excitement earning me another giggle from her.

"Let's go out !"

"Yes !" She jumped with me "let's go !" She pointed to the door and marched over to leave, I followed behind her smiling.

This could be the first step in winning her back.

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