Chapter 2: Pizza Date

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"Park Nari, long time no see huh"

My knees are about to give out from under me, who does this guy think he is? Trying to strike up a conversation when he knows damn well what he's done to me, he's so shameless!

"Take the bag I'm leaving", I turn to walk to the exit but was quickly stopped by the unwanted man sharing my bubble space.

"That's no way to treat an old friend now is it?"

"I'm not the same girl I was back in high school Jungkook I suggest you let go of me, now" I glared at him the meanest glare I could muster up hoping he'd back off.

An amused look spread across his stupid face and laughed at me, "is little bird no longer little?"

He stepped back eyeing me up and down, "well, I can certainly tell somethings are much bigger on you, I like that"

This disgusting pig.

I had a shocked face and was at a loss for words, the only thing I could think to do was slap him.

My attempt to connect my hand to his check sadly didn't go as planned because he anticipated my attack and grabbed my wrist, yanking me close.


He threw his free hand over my mouth and asked me to be quiet.

"Don't get loud Nari! Look I know you're not excited to see me and that joke was probably not ok to make seeing as we haven't seen each other in, what, 5 years now?"

"Mmm" I avoided eye contact with him and yanked myself out of his grasp, "5 years tomorrow, too bad it wasn't more"

"Ok, ouch, that hurt"

What? Why does he actually look hurt by that? Is he serious right now?

"Look" he spoke, "I'd really like to talk to you seriously, are you free to grab a pizza?"

Pizza... we'd come to this shopping center all the time and eat pizza before a movie.

"No, no I don't, and the fact that you think that I would go ANYWHERE with you after what you've done to me is humorous"

"That's what I wanna talk to you about, please Nari, you're not one to let things go unsolved, let me clear my name with you"

"You really think you're gunna clear you name with me over a slice of pizza"

He looked at me with those sad eyes that always got me to do what he wanted in the past and in that moment, we both knew he'd won this.

"No, I didn't, but I figured it was a start.... so what do you say? Pizza?"

Without answering him I turned to leave the store, but before leaving his sight completely I turned to look at him.

With zero emotion I spoke, "10:30 AM, one minute late and I'm gone"

His face lit up with joy and he nodded signaling that he understood.

Did I really just do that? Nari you idiot! You didn't even get Youngjae a gift for your anniversary tomorrow!

Maybe I should go back and see if he bought the bag?

No no no no that's a terrible idea.

I decide to go to the shoe store just below Marshals and get Youngjae a pair of black high top converse since that's what he's been looking at whenever we go shopping.

Satisfied with my decision I look at my phone to see that it's 9:40 AM already, meaning I'll have to meet with Jungkook soon.

I took a seat at a bench nearby and thought about what he could possibly have to say to me.

Bittersweet Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now