Chapter 1 - Meeting the new

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( Delta's POV )

I heard a loud bang and I began to get worried, what if someone was hurt?! I looked at my bog brother who didn't seem to care.  "Dover, We gotta go see what's going on.  What if there is a fight and someone is hurt?" I asked him which made him sigh.

"Delta I have said this many times before, not every bang is the woods is a fight. Plus, even if it is a fight we shouldn't get involved, what if one of us got hurt?"  He asked me and I looked back at him.

"But what if someone is hurt?!" I yelled looking at him with my puppy dog eyes, which of course made him sigh again, he could never say no to my puppy eyes.

"Fine we'll go check it out, stop with the puppy eyes." He said sounding very annoyed at me but I didn't care.

We both continued to walk this time in the direction I heard the bangs from. I began to ran after I heard another bang. "Dover, come on! Go faster!" I yelled back at him with a chuckle as he began to jog.

It only took us a moment before we got there, I couldn't help my self, I wanted to get into the fig-- "Don't even think about it Delta, you almost seriously hurt someone last time." Dover said interrupting my thoughts which made me look at him angrily.

"Because he deserved it!" I yelled before getting behind a closer tree to see the fight. If you couldn't tell I really like fighting!  Before Dover could stop me I ran out into the fight. "Water Dragon fists!" I yelled before jumping up and hitting a bad across the open area.

Dover ran after me and grabbed me. "Delta! What the hell?! You said you wanted to watch! St--" Dover was interrupted by a punch which I had ducked out of.

"Oh no, you made Dover mad!  Which means I'm mad! Water Dragon, water wool pool!" I yelled as I sent water flushing the bad guys out.   I looked at Dover. "Sorry, " I said before looking over at the others who were they're.

The one with pink hair came up to me. "Y-your a dragon slayer too?" He asked me but before I could answer Dover stepped in front of me.

"Why do you want to know?" I heard him ask the pink haired guy. I thought the guy looked cool plus he had pink hair!

"Because, I'm a dragon slayer too, fire dragon slayer to be exact." I heard the pink haired guy say and I pushed Dover out of the way. "You are?! That's awesome! I'm Delta Tydings, that's my big brother Dover. What's your name?" I asked him as I held out my hand.

"Dragneel, Nastu Dragneel. That's Lucy, that's Grey, and that's Erza." Natsu said to me as he shook my hand.

Dover walked over and ruined it though since he pushed Nastu. "Delta come on, we have some where to be." Dover was never really liked new people but I sure did.

"Awe why? Can't we ever just talk to someone, why do you wanna go to fairy Tail anyways?" I said as Dover tried to pull me from my conversation.

"Fairy tail? The guild?" The Red haired girl asked, I think natsu said her name was Erza. I nodded.

"Yeah he wants to go to it, why?" I asked as I looked at her.

"We're in fairy tail, we can take you if you so desire." Erza said and I smiled and nodded which made Dover sigh.

"605 words long the first chapter, I hope you all like it!)

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