Chapter 11 - A day to remember

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( Dover's POV )

I held Delta's hand tightly as he looked at her.  I sensed a new presence, Natsu had walked in. "Is she alright?" Natsu  asked in a caring and somewhat saddened voice.

I continued to look at Delta blank faced. I stood up and left before walking to Gajeel. "Tell me what the fuck happened!" I yelled as I slammed my hands on the table. I heard the door open and Natsu had come back out of Delta's room.

I noticed Gajeel look at me. "To be honest, I don't know Dover. One minute we're walking the next its raining and she fainted." Gajeel said and I slammed my hands again.

"Damn it!" I yelled and looked down. "Why now? Why did thus have to happen now? She's not ready for all this." I whispered so that no one could hear me.

Gajeel and Natsu looked at me. "What do you mean?" Natsu asked and the head maser walked out from the back room and looked down on everyone from the top floor.

"He means that young Delta will have to face a big challenge in her mind, she may even die. But, we must be there for her and we must remain calm. I was afraid this might happen sooner rather than later." The master spoke calmly and I looked up at him then back down.

"Legend says that the water dragon has an unstable brain, it fights itself, challenges it's self. There are 3 major times. But, the water dragon is also stubborn and pushes it self to great lengths. It also tends to get into fights that it can't win. Delta won't stop until she beats it, that's just how she is. I haven't seen her get into a fight she didn't win. But, this is different, this won't stop until it wins either. It could take months, years, to defeat it. I just hope she can."  I explained as I looked back over at the door that led to Delta's room.

I sighed and looked around. "But Delta is strong, she'll be able to defeat this thing." I said and looked over at the door that led to Delta's room.

It was Delta?! But she wasn't awake. She had water bubbles floating all around her, more and more coming from her water made body. Her eyes closed as she stumbled her way over to me.

"D-Delta?" I question then she opened her eyes and the water bubbles dropped.

"D-Dover? W-What happened? A-am I at the guild? W-When did I get here?"

( 431 words!!! Woo hoo, quite the chapter am I right?? Well guys gals and non binary pals!!!!! I hope you all had a good read and I hope you all think about what is to come )

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