Chapter 10 - Days go by

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( Delta's POV )

It's been days and I have seen my brother. I just haven't gone home yet. Me and Gajeel were walking in the woods and out of no where we both heard something. I brought up water to get ready to fight if needed. "Who's there?" I questioned.

Gajeel pushed me behind him and I got angered. I began walking again as it got quiet. "There's nothing there, lets just go." I said as I walked.

Gajeel grabbed my hand and pulled me back. "There is, I can feel it." Gajeel told me and I got scared.

I began to get dizzy, the forest began to spin and I fainted. Everything hurt.

( Gajeels POV )

I caught Delta as she fell, she was cold and had been shaking. I rushed her back to the guild and I ran in. Everyone looked over and Dover rushed over and took her out of my arms.

( Dover's POV )

I took Delta out of Gajeels,  days of not being home she is brought back like this. She was breathing heavy and sweating even though her skin was freezing. I looked around frantically for someone to get help. "your gonna be okay." I repeated as I rocked her back and forth. The guild master ran in and he had me make Delta drink this thing.

"Bring her to the back, quickly." He said and I stood and rushed following him.

( Delta's POV )

It was dark and cold, I wandered through a dark windy forest as I rubbed my arms.  Scared of what was going on.

( Dover's POV )

"Wait out side." He told me and I shook my head. "Hell no!" I struggled and others took me out of the room. I was so worried! Hours went by and the master came out. Me being anxious I stood and rushed over.

"She'll be fine but there's no telling when she'll wake." He said and I nodded. I would stay in her room as long as it took.

( No one's POV )

Of course it was stressful on the young man, who knew what was happening with his sister.  He worried for her and Dover tried to think of ways to help but his head was clouded. 

(( Hey everyone, it's been a while since I've updated, sorry about that. Haha, I will try to be more consistent with updates but I hope you all liked reading!! Also sorry it's a little short, 375 words. You'll see why in the next chapter ))

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