Now Would Be A Good Time To Be Anyone But Me

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I was standing in a dark corridor, the air damp and cold. I shuddered and heard footsteps getting louder in my direction. I turned and saw 2 figures clad in dark clothing, a variety of weapons strapped to their bodies, one tall and one resembling a child. The taller one's long hair was shaggy and fell in his face while the little girl's was tightly pulled back in two Dutch braids, allowing the green of her eyes to shine through the limited lighting. My stomach dropped when I saw the masks the two mysterious people were wearing on the bottom half of their faces and the weapons they both held defensively, as if ready to shoot anyone who came at them.

My eyes fell on the taller one's...metal arm? I frowned. A prosthetic? I groaned and held my head. No... the metal arm...

I gasped and looked back at him. The Winter Soldier. And the girl behind him must be Katona. But... that couldn't be possible; Katona was alive years ago, right? That could only mean one thing.

This was a nightmare and I had a front row seat. They arrived at a heavy door and it was briskly thrown open.

"Soldier!" A voice barked in Russian. "Where is she?"

Barnes didn't say anything but step in front of her slightly, almost in a protective manner. The voice paid no attention to this little movement and continued talking.

"Hand her to Rumonluv. He will take over next."

Barnes didn't even get a say as I watched 2 presumably Russian men, probably HYDRA, roughly grab the girl and lead her away from her partner.

"What are you going to do with her?" Barnes finally spoke, his voice quiet but threatening. I could've sworn I heard the voice smirk.

"Nothing that she isn't used to. You shouldn't get so attached, Soldier." the voice tsked. "After all, you two are pawns in my game. And pawns don't have a say."

If this wasn't a dream, I probably would've attacked this Russian Mafia dude and beat him with his own attitude. But I couldn't. My heart panged a little at the broken look in Barnes' eyes.

  "Let her go. She's just a child." He tried again, a little less persuasively this time.

The voice laughed, a deep, rumbling laugh a dad would emit when his 7 year-old kid would ask for a car or a unicorn.

"Let her go?" I imagined the voice smiling evilly from the shadows concealing him. "Why, she's the only one to survive! She's HYDRA's greatest accomplishment; after you of course." he added as an afterthought.

The laughter echoed as the scene got darker and darker. Panic arose in my chest as Barnes faded more and more.

     Wait, no! I wanted to scream. I'm right here!

I gasped and took in my surroundings as the dream disappeared and I realized I was awake. I was still in the attic and all the files and papers were spread around me. Last night's events came rushing back and were like a whack to the back of the head. I had spent the entire night reading more into Katon- well, my experiment. It seemed the more I read, the more the hatred and resentment within myself grew. Why did Gran keep this secret? Could I even believe any of this trash?

I looked outside and saw the sun starting to rise. My head was pounding with the dream ingrained in my memory. I could hear the clatter of breakfast downstairs and my anger flared. Grandma.

Flying blindly, I grabbed a the files resting in my lap and the armored box and before I could stop myself, I was storming downstairs to the kitchen in my sleep-deprived fashion.

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