I Hate Taxis And Tea

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    -About 14 hours later-

I made sure to keep my new "I Love D.C." cap low on my face as I wandered through the World War II section of the Smithsonian. My eyes scanned the walls of information of Steve Rogers and his Super Soldier experiment curiously. I had to admit, in spite of the funky situation I was in, having the same abilities as Captain America was pretty staggering. Not mention it gave me bragging rights against Scarlet.

Stay focused. I reminded myself. Finally, near the back of the exhibit, I saw a large memorandum of one James Buchanan Barnes. I looked at his young, untroubled face and felt a wave of remorse hit me. He looked nothing like what HYDRA had made him now. I listened to the recording talk about the milestones of his life.

"Barnes was the only Howling Commando to die in action..." the voice announced for what seemed like the hundredth time today. It was almost taunting. I stuffed my hands in the pocket of the jacket I had worn when I had "snuck out", which made me think about New York. Gran had surely noticed that I was missing by now and was probably contacting Peter, Ned, or Scarlet to try and find out where I had disappeared to.

"You did this to yourself, Gran." I muttered darkly underneath my breath. I looked back at the short video clip of Bucky and Steve and pulled myself together. The museum had done more than enough to give me the background information I needed but now I needed a remote place, a laptop, and Scarlet to help me get some more "private" information on Barnes's whereabouts.

I admired the rest of the museum as I made my way out of the large building and headed for the coffee shop across the street. I hadn't eaten since yesterday and I only had a few hundreds that wouldn't last me very long on my unchaperoned trip.

I tried my hardest to try and at least enjoy some aspects of my mission but I kept turning back to Bucky. I wanted to find him. I wanted to help him and let him try to live life again. No matter how hard I tried, I kept feeling like this was all my fault. What if I had stayed? It should've been me.

"One hot tea." the barista called out. I took the beverage and sipped it gingerly as I exited the cozy shop. Now, I needed to find a place to sleep.

Just as I was about to hail a cab, I felt something vibrate in my back pocket. I frowned and pulled the outdated iPod out of my pocket. It was ringing.

"This can't be right." I scoffed. Nonetheless, I picked up the 'phone'. "Hello?"

" I booked you a really nice 5 star hotel and sent the address and additional money to the iPod you stole, idiot." The voice responded.

I let out the breath I was holding. "Scarlet? How are you calling me on an iPod?"

"It's my iPod. Did you think I wasn't going to upgrade it?" she retorted.

"Well, I know now." I smiled but then knit my eyebrows in confusion. "Wait, did you say you booked me a 5 star hotel? And sent me money?"

"Yes, I did, stupid. I wasn't going to let you sleep in an alley way with a bunch of homeless guys. I would never do that to the residents of Washington."

"You're hilarious." I rolled my eyes. "When I get back, we're having a serious talk about you hacking bank accounts that aren't your own."

"What's that? I'm losing you- bye!" Just like that, Scarlet hung up and a few seconds later, I obtained the address of where I was staying and whole lot of money. Like, a lot lot.

"Jesus Christ." I grumbled. I waved my arm and tried to hail a cab but none stopped for me. You're from New York, home of the Taxis, and you can't hail a cab? an incredulous voice asked in my head.

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