Chapter 15

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Third Person P.O.V

The latter's phone ringing making Jaewoon's annoyed to whoever that calling him right now.One fact about the latter that you did not know he hated it when someone interrupted his working time unless it's important he will not angry but today is a different day or a dreadful day for him.
He groaned as he pick the phone up
Jaewoon smiled as soon as he heard his princess voice accross the phone.
"Whats the matter princess?" He asked soflty
"It's not a good time Jaewoon,J-jimin he..he's"
The latter lift one of his eyebrow,he knew when the older call him by his name its not a good sign.
"Hey calm down and tell me what happened Okay?"
"Someone took Jimin from us,t-they brokeee into your safetest rooom
a-and some of your bodyguard already d-dead"
"Fuck,hold on I will come back home now"Jaewoon hissed as he hung up.
" James take me back to the airport and tell Changmin to get the fastest one"he said as he looked out at the window.
'Whatever your game is,I will kill you and put your corpse into my crocodiles nest'

"Welcome back,I haven't change your room at all not even an inch" The taller said as he put the dog hybrid who is in his arm into the blue pastel coloured bed.
"Y-you still loved me?" The smaller asked looking up to the older
"You're misunderstood the whole thing..I-i didn't killed your parents and you believed someone who you does not know and then trying to kill me and left me behind thought that i was dead!" He yelled,his face already red with anger,breathig heavily.
"I-i'm sorry,I got carried away with emotion.."
"Me too,Maybe I was a fool because I believed someone who is a stranger than I believe you but I couldn't think more or less!everything is about trust,life,emotions and everything!"Jimin said tears pooling in his eyes.
"I want to start a new beggining...with you but I thought we can but we can't..i'm sick..full of shit and abnormal,and sh-"
"We can fix it together I mean everyone is not perfect neither do i and you"the smaller said
"But I'm crazy.."
"We could get you a psychiatrist and learn how to control your emotional and things"
There's a silent between them before the smalled said again
"We could start a new beggining together but not here"
Something inside the older said something,something that could make him do the right things.Truth.
"Y-youre right,I'm sorry..I'm full of sins,the way I took you back also wrong..I'm sorry jimin about what I told you about Jaewoon it's all bullshit..I made up things to get you,he never do that to you it is just me who paranoid to get you back...threatened y-your.."
"Family..they're family"Jimin said looking down
" Finally I get to felt what is family's like beside from you of course and now I know the truth,at least he doesn't abonded me "
" want to get back to him?I could send you back to him if that whats make you happy jimin"Joohyuk said.
"I-I..I don't know..I need time and space to think"
"I get it,take a rest..I'll be at my room,pretty sure you know it where"the taller said smiling a bit as he walk out from the room closing the door.The dog hybrid continue to stare at the door and then moving his head to turn toward the window
'I don't know if I make a right decision..'
He thought slowly approaching the window.


The sounds of the clicking door made all of the six hybrids turn their heads toward the door,revealing a sight of a figure that they knew
"Daddy!" Two of the youngest hybrid yelled  and hug him as soon as they saw the older.
"Hey,are guys okay?" He asked as he stroking the two youngest hybrid
"We're fine but they got jimin"
Namjoon said with  his  tense expression.
"What's wrong wi-" Jaewoon's words got cut by Seokjin who's now beside him stroking his left arm.
"Listen,they said you're the one who let him to take Jimin away an-"
"What?its not true!he-"
"Then how did he knew your name?stop lying and tell us the truth!" Taehyung said with an angry tone
"Oh fuck,did you actually believed him?I would not do that not to jimin and not to all of you here!" The taller said running his hands through his hair as he speak.
"Calm down!,you both are scaring yoongi and jungkook!please we can talk slowly.Put your emotions aside"
The older of all of them said
"Can you get jimin back?" He asked softly
"Of course I can,you guys need to wait here because I need to reach out for Louis and get his help and when we got jimin back...we will discuss this thing "Jaewoon said with a serious tone that the five of them never see or heard except for Jin.
" Wait here,call me if anything happens"he said as he walk out of the house.

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