4 - Crushes and Acceptance

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I see, Romano's limp body lying in a corner in the cell next to his brother. 

"Canada?" He says meekly.

"Roma, I'm so sorry they did this, I only found out just now, if I had known at the time, I would've stopped them-" I'm cut off by him shushing me.

"Shut up, I have a headache. I know you didn't know. Its fine, really. The worst part is now I'm stuck in a cell with potato bastard complaining to me and not being able to shave."

"I can hear you."

"Its the wurst part, really." he laughs, trying to make a joke out of the situation.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt, but thats all the time you can have. I shouldn't have brought you here in the first place." my brother butts in. He drags me out of the room as I mouth a quick goodbye to Romano.

"I know how much he likes you. And I can tell you love him too." America says to me once we're back in my room.

"Love?" I question.

"Geez, for someone raised by France, you sure are oblivious about the matter. It's fine, I won't kick off about it or something. To be honest, I rather like Japan a bit more than I should." I don't know what to say. I never really realized it before, but I guess I do have some sort of feelings for the guy.

I smile at America. "Thanks. But what's this about you and Japan, huh?" I tease. It works. He immediately starts blushing madly.

"Shut up." He pouts.

"In all seriousness, what are we going to do? It'd be an absolute atrocity to fall in love with them after what just happened."

"We don't exactly have a family that doesn't accept things, they might not be too unhappy." He says, looking on the bright side.

"It's not France and England that I'm worried about. Its the public. Most of all the Allied nations don't teach German as a language because of the wars. To even be friends with one of the Axis, it'd cause riots." The truth hurts. I really hope that everyone will forgive them for this, even if it takes fifty or more years. America shuffles in his seat as the realization hits him.

"China has Japan. He's not too happy about the whole scenario. I don't think any of us are." he says, lowering his voice. "I should probably go now, England probably wants me for something."

He leaves the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Why does life have to be so complicated?

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