10 - More Messy Meetings

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A few years passed. By a few, I mean ten, I am getting very old. After what I heard, I realised that Romano does have some sort of crush on me, and I have been too afraid to ask, just in case I get rejected, despite knowing that probably, would not happen. Apparently he is too, or else I would not be complaining right now.

I don't think America has had any success with Japan either, so that does make me feel a bit better about the situation at hand.

England did stick to his promise of becoming a 'modern country', but the downside now is that everyone to him is a walrus that lives in a yellow submarine. And the colour, don't remind me about the colour. He walks into meetings looking like an optical illusion. Eh, he has got this great new show though, so its not all bad.

Speaking of meetings, I'm trying to ignore everything that's going on in the one I'm at currently. I hate that this is what we call peaceful. Is it really that hard to not argue until we get outside? I have genuinely had enough right now.

I excuse myself for a minute so I can get some peace and fricking quiet, not that anyone heard.

"At this point, I feel like our bosses just make us have theses meetings so that they can solve the worlds problems without us trying to intervene." I hear a very familiar voice coming from further down the corridor.

"Yeah, probably." I respond.

"Bastards, what makes them think that I want to be here in the first place?" Romano sulks.

At this point, you'd expect to have more tranquility, but then France and Britain come through the door, both of them red in the face.

"Germany kicked us out if you were wondering." England pouted.

"What for this time?" I inquire.

"Arguing, proceeding to yell each others secrets, and insulting culture."

"To be fair, your culture consists of backwards traditions of other countries."

"Shut it wanker, its you who has backwards traditions of my country!"

I sigh and start to leave.

"Where are you going, you still have to finish the meeting." France asks, twirling his hair.

"You act as if we'll get anything done." I answer, done with everything.

"Romano, talk some sense into your boyfriend." He orders.

"Sorry, no can do. You can't give what you don't have. See you around." Roma replies before turning around and following me out.

"They are definitely a couple." I comment once we get out of their hearing range or whatever its called.

"Yup. Have you heard that America and Belgium are a thing now?" What? America and who? That isn't right.

"No, I haven't. That's interesting. I'll ask him about it later." The conversation dies a bit as we walk around, getting extremely lost.

"Where are we?" Roma asks, looking around for anything familiar.

"I don't know. I'm taking a guess here, but I don't think we're in a different country, which is good. Just ask someone something, if they respond in the correct language, we're good." I walk up to a passing stranger. "Hello, we're lost, do you know the way to [insert address here]?"

"Hva? Jeg forstår ikke, vennligst gjenta."

"Do you know the way to _________?"


"Never mind, goodbye." we walk away, leaving the person very confused.

"They were useful."

"At least we know we haven't accidentally crossed borders. Which was probably quite obvious, but now we know for sure." I am seriously losing all hope of survival right now.

"Maybe we should call someone?" Hadn't thought of that.

"Do you know the number of the meeting place?" I ask.

"I think its ----------------." Roma replies.

We carry on blindly walking until we find a phone box. We get inside and find that it doesn't take the bloody money we actually have on us. This is  Europe, why doesn't it take Euros? I give up.

I hear a hello coming from the phone. What? How the hell?

"We're lost right now."

"Canada, what street are we on?" Roma asks.

I glance outside to check before answering. "Park Gate."

"Park Gate."

"Thank you." Was the last thing said before the line ended.

"Someone should be picking us up soon. Apparently we didn't get too far." Romano informs me.

We wait about half an hour before I hear the rattling of a car mixed with loud yelling.

"Yo! What're you doing getting lost, you missed the meeting!" America stops just in front of us. "Get in." We step into the back of the car and just suffer through his non stop chatter all the way back.

This whole chapter was unnecessary

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