26 - At Germany's House

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After a long trip to Frankfurt, we ding dong the doorbell at Germany's house. I was surprised to see Austria open the door.

"Guten Tag. Come in, but be quiet." He says, pulling us into the house.

"Why do we have to be quiet?" Italy practically yells.

"Ssssshhhh! He isn't used to visitors or loud noises yet!" Austria tells us.

"Who is 'he'?" I ask.

"Hello Canada, I didn't notice you there. You'll see in a second. I really like tension, you can see that in my music, or else I'd just tell you. Come upstairs." He says ominously. This guy really likes being mysterious.

We pick up our bags and follow him to where I assume 'he' and Germany will be.

We see him standing at the window looking outside to where we had the horses, and then he turns to look at us.

"Did you get here by horse? Why?" He asks us.

"None of us can drive!" Italy responds.

"Why did you not just take the train? Or a plane? Or even a bus? Was it necessary to drag three farm animals across Europe?" Oh. I didn't think about that. At least we're saving money.

Haha I forgot that other methods of transport existed until I wrote this chapter and then realised how stupid it was to take a horse from Italy to Germany but it was already to late to rewrite

"Why did you want us here anyway?" I ask, trying to move the subject away from our stupidity.

"I didn't, I wanted Italy here." He said.

"Told you." Roma whispered in my ear.

"I asked Italy to come because-" on cue, the door opened to reveal Prussia with a duster in his hand cleaning the doorframe.

"Is that why?" Italy asks, getting just a nod in response.

As Prussia moves on the clean the skirting boards, the wind slammed the door shut behind him, causing him to jump.

"Also don't make noises that are too loud, I'm talking mostly to you, Italy." Germany says in a whisper, "Follow me." He takes us into his living room.

"He won't talk openly about what happened these past forty years over there. When he eventually does open up, if I don't like what I hear I will go to Moscow and beat the living shit out of Russia." He says, once he's sat down.

"What do you think happened?" I ask.

"I don't know, but he doesn't feel much pain and more, if at all. I've seen him bang his funny bone at least three times since he arrived and he didn't flinch at any of them. He's also stubbed a few toes and again, nothing." He explains.

"Maybe it doesn't have anything to do with how he's been treated, maybe just that the actual nation of Prussia doesn't exist anymore." Romano suggests, nicely this time for some reason.

"Yeah! He could be a ghost!" Italy adds on.

"As stupid as it sounds it could be a slightly plausible." Romano comments like a lovely brother.

Germany considers it for a moment before nodding slightly in agreement.
"It does sound stupid, you're right."

"I don't think that was the point, we think Prussia may be dead, as his country isn't around anymore." I reword Roma's comment.

"Soon he'll be irrelevant in history and only hardcore nerds will know he exists."

"Shut up." I hiss, punching my asshole of a boyfriend. "You're not helping anything."

"Sometimes the truth hurts, but its more useful than sugarcoating reality."

'You are impossible.' I think to myself before returning to the conversation.

Is this chapter shorter? Yes. Did I want an excuse to use my colour changing app again so I made America have bright kind of 80s clothing? Undoubtably.

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