9 - Italian Indruder

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I see Romano tense up at the sound of his brother.

"Can I play football with you, please?" Italy asks, dragging out the please.

"Do you ever- ugh I give up," Romano looks at me, "Can you help here a bit, I'm not good with being polite." I nod in response to his question.

"Italy, hypothetical scenario, lets say you are out with your friends," I say.

"I'm out with Germany, okay,"

"And Romano kept interrupting you, how would that make you feel?"

"Happy, because now I have mire people to hang out with!" Oh lord, this is going to be harder than I expected.

"No, you feel annoyed. Now the situation we are in right now, is you doing that with us." I explain slowly.

"Oh! You two want alone time, okay, if you need anything I'll be at home." And with that, he runs off happily.

"Thanks. I do love him, but he gets a bit annoying at times." He laughs slightly and runs a hand through his hair, pushing it out the way of his face.

We then spent our morning playing football, which I wasn't expecting to be so bad at before going to this restaurant called Ristorante Peppone, which was very nice, and we got some ice cream.

We did go to a museum as Romano has an unfathomably long history, but we ran out of time to look at everything before it closed, so we ambled back to Romano's house taking a quick detour to see the Colosseum. Only to find Italy making pasta.

"THIS ISN'T YOUR HOUSE, WHY ARE YOU HERE?" Romano yells at his brother.

"I thought I'd make dinner for you, I even set the table nicely!" He replies, a large smile across his face.

"Fine, but no more randomly coming here without telling me unless its to show me a picture of someone falling over in public. And that doesn't mean you can take loads of pictures of people falling over just to see me." Romano says sternly.

"Okay, okay, now go, I want you to get a surprise when you taste the food, its a new recipe." Italy ushers us out of the kitchen as he speaks.

"You really like your privacy, don't you?" I say, trying to make a bit of a joke out of the whole circumstance.

"Yeah, the more alone I am, the less people who can annoy you." Roma responds in a completely serious manner as he walks to the nearest sofa.

"Don't you ever get lonely?" I ask, sitting next to him. He simply shakes his head in response and goes to turn the TV on. A show about puppets comes on as it started up. Roma quickly tries to cover it, however the music carries on.

"Haha, ignore that, I don't know why its on a kids channel." He laughs as he tries to change the channel as fast as possible. "Must have been Italy."

"Telling lies?" I tease.

He sits back down next to me and scoffs, "No. Not at all. Puppets are for children, and I am a fully grown mature adult."

"Sure." I look at the screen to see the news. Blasting out in Italian.

"Roma, I don't speak Italian. What're they saying?" I ask. He turns to look at me.

"You speak French, don't you? There's like, a few similarities, but right now they're saying about the wars that are going on elsewhere like we haven't had enough of god damn wars." I laugh lightly at his anger and comment on the matter.

We stay like that for around half an hour before we got interrupted by Italy poking his head in.

"Dinners ready!" He states cheerfully like always before ducking away.

I follow Romano into the dining room, and let me say that Italy really outdid himself. Not only was there a delicious looking (and hopefully tasting) meal on the table, but also candles, a bottle of wine and a gramophone playing music in the corner.

"Wow. I was not expecting this. I think he may be trying to say something here." Roma comments, staring in disbelief at what his brother did for him.

"I think he may."


After the meal (which was extremely tasty if you were wondering) we sat down to watch some more TV - romantic, I know - just before Romano excused himself for a moment. He exits, and I can hear him and Italy begin to chat.

"You tried to set us up, didn't you?" I press my ear to the wall.

"What do you say?"

I hear Romano sigh slightly before saying a quick, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, but I did get some help from big brother France, so you'll have to thank him too!"

"France knows?" Oh no. "You know when he has a piece of gossip he tells everyone."

"Don't worry, I swore him to secrecy, and if he tells anyone, I'll tell everyone about him and Britain!" France and Britain? I didn't expect that one, wait never mind, yes I did.

"That'll come as a surprise to nobody, they're basically already married without the marriage."

"England will murder him though, so there's nothing to worry about."

"I suppose." I hear footsteps and quickly remove my ear from the wall and make everything look like I was watching TV this whole time. As Romano enters and sits down, I ponder everything I just heard.

Do you hear that? Its me trying to avoid using time skips

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