Chapter 1

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Chloe's POV~

I paced back and forth waiting for the plane to land. All I could think was this is my fault, it's all my fault. If I hadn't got mad at Scarlett and just stayed there with her this never would have happened, I had a good reason though to be mad, I mean she was the one who told Luke to turn me into a vampire when the whole time I thought it was Luke. Scarlett knew I didn't want to be a vampire but she still told him to make me one. I'm not mad at Scarlett right now, all I can think about is where she's at, what is happening to her. For all I know she could be stuck in a basement full of zombies, wait zombies aren't real, but I thought vampires weren't real either. Maybe she's locked at Freddy Fazbears Pizza and is trying to survive there, ugh I hate that game.

"Chloe!" Someone shouted interrupting my thoughts. I looked up to see Ashton running to me, his face red and puffy from crying.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so happy your back!" I screeched. He pulled me into a hug and squeezed me tightly. He kept hugging me and didn't let go, I sat there and waited for the hug to end.

"Ok that's been long enough" I heard Luke say. Ashton let go and I looked to Luke.

"Luke!" I joyfully yelled, I ran to him hugging him.

"I missed you so much!" I told him releasing from the hug.

"Me too" he smiled making his dimples show.

"Can we go now?" Ashton asked anxiously

"Yeah let's go" I said and we headed out the airport.

The car ride was silent. When we got home Ashton dropped his suitcase off at his house then came over to Luke's house.

We all sat in the living room and Ashton wouldn't stop asking questions

"Where did you last see her?"

"Where were you guys?"

"Were you with anyone else?"


"Ashton one question at a time" I told him calmly.

"Ok,ok" he whispered to himself

"Whats the First question you want to ask me"

"Where did you last see her?" Ashton asked with pain in his voice.

"I last saw Scarlett at the bar wh-"

"You guys were at a bar! What the hell were you thinking? You aren't even old enough to drink!" Ashton exclaimed his voice full of anger.

"Chloe! You went to a bar how did you even get in!?" Luke asked

"Yes we did go to a bar it was Scarlett's idea. She wanted to celebrate you guys coming home, I didn't want to go but she convinced me to go." I explained

"She made us fake ID's. She drank I didn't. She was really drunk and I was trying to get her to come home but she wouldn't, then she told me that it was her that told Luke to turn me into a vampire and I got mad at her and left." I continued.

"You left her there all alone while she was drunk!?" Ashton asked

"I was mad ok!" I slightly shouted. Luke sat there quietly not saying anything.

"Ok well how are we suppose to find her?" Luke finally spoke

"Guys were vampires shouldn't this be easy?" I asked "Can't we just smell for her sent and find her that way?" I questioned

"It sounds easier than it is," Ashton said

"Well we have to find her" I told them


Hey guys! First chapter of Fatal!

Hopefully you guys In joyed the chapter.

There is going to be a lot more vampire action in this book!

Anyways thanks for reading our book and hope you enjoy it!

-Alyssa ;)

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