Chapter 4 - Choose Your Path

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Miles sat up. He was groggy, visions swam before his eyes. He blinked a few times and started to see clearly. He didn't know where he was or how he got there. A blond haired boy sat in front of him, picking at the wood his chair. Miles recognized him. He was the boy that took him here.

"Who are you?" Miles asked, putting his fists up and readying himself for a fight. "Where am I?"

The boy looked up, "Oh you're awake. Doc, he's awake!" he called.

Miles could detect a hint of a British accent in his voice.

"Where am I?" Miles repeated.

The boy looked down at Miles' fists and smiled.

"Relax, man. We don't want to hurt you. We're in a cabin, just south of where we found you."

Just then a man walked into the room. It was the man that he had seen walk in behind his mother. Wait. Where was his mother?

"I told you not to call me Doc," the man said to the boy, then he looked at Miles. "Thank God you're awake. We thought you'd sleep there forever."

"Sorry about that, by the way," another voice said. A girl had walked into the room.

"Who are you guys?" Miles asked. "And where's my mom?"

"I'm Caspar," the boy said, reaching his arm out. Miles shook it uncertainly. "The lady you see there is Dawn, she's the one that put you to sleep. Went a little heavy on it, I guess. And that there is Dr. Lancaster, he's the head and brains of the operation."

"This is not an operation, Caspar," Dr. Lancaster corrected. "It's just... surviving."

"So, what is this?" Miles asked, still confused. "Why am I here?"

"This," Lancaster said, looking around at the cabin. "Is somewhere we will be safe for the time being. You have a decision to make."

"What decision?"

"Well, you're, ah... special..."

Caspar snorted, interrupting him. "Special? You can do better than that, Doc."

"You're different than other kids your age," Lancaster continued. "You can do things that they can't."

"Like my strength."

Lancaster nodded. "Exactly like your strength. That among other things. Your name is Miles, correct? That's your birth name?"

"Yeah..." said Miles, not knowing what that had to do with anything.

"So, M," the girl, Dawn, spoke up. "That's not good."

What was M? These people were hiding something from him, and everything was changing so fast. He had only gotten out of his coma a couple of days ago.

"Miles, there are people out there," said Lancaster, "people that want to destroy you. And worse."

Worse? What could be worse than being destroyed? Miles stood up and started to pace.

"Okay, let me get this straight. I discover that I have superhuman strength a couple of days ago, right? Something that I shouldn't have. Something that no one should have. Then my dad takes me to his work, where the are military men. And my mom shows up with you guys, who have just kidnapped me and are telling me people want to kill me."

"Destroy you," Caspar corrected, winking.

"Wait, you're dad works there?" Lancaster stood up, alarmed.

"Yeah, that's why I was there. Why?"

"Those weren't military men," said Dawn. "They were Necron."

"Necron?" Miles was confused even more now.

"It was a science company. Soon it will be an army," explained Lancaster.

"So, those are the people that want to destroy me?"

"No," Lancaster said. "Those are the people who want to do worse to you. Control you."

"I don't want them to destroy or control me. Is there a third option?" Miles asked, now a little scared.

"It's destroy or control us, mate," Caspar replied, and he and Dawn stood up.

"You guys... are like me?"

"Sure are," Caspar held up his hands and lightning prickled on them for a split second.

Dawn closed his eyes and when she opened them, Caspar had fallen to the ground. He quickly scrambled to his feet.

"What did I tell you about doing that?" Caspar warned, but Miles could tell he found it more amusing than annoying.

"So, what's my decision?" Miles focused back on Dr. Lancaster, who had sat back down.

"Option one, come with us and train to use your powers to defend against Necron. That will be very dangerous, but we could use all the help we can get." Lancaster looked worried. "Option two, join your mother in a safe house far away from here."

Miles had almost forgotten about his mother with all that was happening.

"Where is she?" he asked.

"Somewhere safe," Lancaster replied simply. "If you choose option two, we will take you there."

"I want to know where she is," Miles repeated.

Lancaster nodded with sympathy. "I know you do. But there are very few people that know her location. I will tell you if you want to know, but keep in mind that it is less safe the more people that know."

Miles nodded reluctantly. He knew that she would be safer without him knowing.

"What about my dad?"

"Your father is, by our understanding, in ranks with Necron. Whether he knows the organization is evil or not..." Lancaster trailed off. "I mean, I just found out that your dad worked there in the first place."

"So did I. He never told me or my mom what he did, but it kept us going financially. I guess that was enough for my mom."

Dr. Lancaster nodded.

"Will we be safe? I mean, really safe?" Miles asked.

Dr. Lancaster hesitated, "No," he admitted, "as long as Necron is out there, they will do whatever it takes to get to every single one of you guys."

"Then I'm going with you. My mom will be safer without me there. Besides, once we stop them I can go back, right?"

"Of course. But it won't be easy, and it will be very, very risky."

"Nothing that's worth it comes without risk," Miles replied.

"That's the spirit!" Caspar grinned.

Miles forced a smile in return. He had just made an impossible decision. One that could possible get him killed. But if when it was all over he could live a normal, safe life, it would all be worth it. Or at least so he hoped. He couldn't be sure of any more than one thing; this moment was a changing point. And after it, his life would never be the same.

Chapter 4 - Choose Your Path
March 12, 2019

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