Chapter 29 - The Invasion

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"We need to warn Lancaster," Miles said, looking back at the group. "Now."

"What about them?" asked Jason, motioning toward Owen and Ms. Lukeson.

"Ah," said Caspar. "Thought you'd never ask." Then he promptly slugged Owen across the face, knocking him unconscious.

Lilly flinched, but Caspar didn't notice. He just made his way over to where Miles stood with Ms. Lukeson.

"Wait", Miles said, staring at Ms. Lukeson. "Don't knock her out, she's no threat to us now."

"Thank you," Ms. Lukeson said, sounding both grateful and scared.

Miles glared at her. "Don't make me change my mind. I'll leave you for Lancaster to deal with."

"Nothing will come of it," Ms. Lukeson sneered. "That man is weak."

Caspar looked at Miles and raised his eyebrows. Miles nodded and Caspar slugged her in the stomach. She rolled over on the floor and groaned.

"There's more where that came from," Caspar promised her.

"And he was going easy on you," Miles said.

With that, the four of them jogged out of the room to find Lancaster. It didn't take them long, as Lancaster was only a few rooms over, and when he heard the four of them running, he came out to see what all the commotion was about.

"What are you four doing?" Lancaster asked, walking out of the room he had been in. "You're not supposed to come in here unless you're showering or have been given permission, and something tells me neither of those are correct."

"We came to warn you," said Lilly.

"Warn me? About what?" Lancaster looked around at them. "Are you four alright."

Lilly, Jason, and Caspar all looked at Miles, who was beginning to hate when they did that.

"Necron is invading tonight, and the force field has been lowered. They'll be here any time now," Miles explained hurriedly.

"What are you talking about?" Lancaster asked. "How is the force field down?"

"It was Ms. Lukeson," Miles said. "We thought it was Ms. Lisa, but it turns out Ms. Lukeson is working with Necron. And so is Owen."

"What is the meaning of this?" Lancaster asked. "Is this a prank or something?"

"No," Jason promised. "We're being serious!"

"Ms. Lukeson is a staff member and Owen is on winter break. I think we're fine."

"We're wasting time!" Caspar exclaimed. He looked at Jason and Lilly. "We're going. Meet us out there."

Lilly and Jason nodded and Caspar grabbed Miles' hand. They walked over to Lancaster, and before he had time to question what was going on, Caspar had grabbed his hand too, and they had teleported.

Miles felt the familiar feeling of being shrunk down to the size of an atom, then returning to normal size outside the academy. It felt a lot less awful than it did several months ago, and he felt like he could get used to teleporting. But Caspar didn't like to take people with him often, and for all Miles knew, he and now Lancaster were the only two people to have teleported with Caspar.

"Oh god," said Caspar, who had recovered from the teleport a lot faster than Miles and Lancaster had. "It's way worse than I thought it would be."

When Miles composed himself, he looked around at his surroundings and his heart immediatley sank, hitting rock bottom.

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