Chapter 23 - Capture the Flag

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"Captain! Here, now!"

Miles had finished explaining the game plan to his team. Miles had never been the captain of anything before, or even ever told anyone what to do, so this was a big step up for him. His team was confused, at first, by his plan, but now everyone seemed to get it. Miles had tried to think of something inspirational to say to them, but then realized that it was only a game of capture the flag. Plus, he could think of nothing to say. So... win-win?

Miles crossed back over to the middle of the "field" where Captain R stood waiting, with Caspar standing beside him.

"What're we doing, Coach?" Caspar asked. "This isn't football."

"It's not," Captain R agreed. "But I thought I'd change it up a bit. You've both randomly chosen sides. But the winner gets to chose the side they prefer. For flag-hiding advantages and whatnot."

Caspar looked at Miles and back at Captain R. Then he observed Miles' team's side of the lawn, and his own. "Seems fair," he concluded.

Captain R looked at Miles for confirmation. Miles just nodded. He had no idea what was going on.

"Ready?" asked Captain R.

Miles nodded, and Caspar did the same. Miles turned to go back to his side of the field.

"What are you doing?" Captain R demanded.

Miles turned back around and realized that Caspar was still waiting with Captain R. Did they want him to say something? How did this work? Was this a meeting?

Instead, Captain R flipped a coin. He caught it when it came back down and covered it with his other hand. "Someone call it," he said impatiently, as if he has done this a million times before. Miles, however, had no idea what to do.

"Tails," replied Caspar nonchalantly, apparently saving Miles of the embarrassment. Caspar, just like Captain R, sounded like he had done this a million times.

It hit Miles that they were calling sides of the coin. "Oh, heads," Miles added quickly.

Both Captain R and Caspar looked at him as if he were stupid. Miles felt the heat rush to his face. Just because Caspar knew how to be a team captain, why should Miles?

Captain R lifted his hand and revealed the coin, holding it out for both Caspar and Miles to see. "Tails," Captain R announced. Typical.

Caspar did another glance at the two sides of the lawn, then said, "We'll stay."

"Very well," Captain R said. "Good luck to both of you."

Miles almost turned around, but hesitated and ultimately decided to wait and see what Caspar would do. This idea payed off, because Caspar didn't turn around either. He stuck his arm out towards Miles. "May the strongest man win."

Miles shook Caspar's hand. Caspar turned and walked back to his team. Miles turned and did the same.

"What was that about?" Quinn asked when Miles had returned.

Miles just shrugged. "Don't ask."

"Ready?" Captain R yelled from midfield. Without waiting for an answer, he blew his whistle as loudly and long as he possibly could.

Caspar's team started running at them. Miles turned back to his team. "You guys know what to do."

They all nodded, and got to it. Jason sprinted toward the other side of the field as Lilly and Gira focused on the incoming threat of Elisa and Dawn. Miles looked back to make sure Owen and Quinn were sticking to the plan. They were. Everything was going beautifully. Lilly and Gira had taken out Elisa and Dawn with two-hand-touch and Jason was trying to get around Ian, who was playing Caspar's defense. Miles stayed back near his flag like they had planned. He needed to make sure everything went how it was supposed to go, and if needed, he could play some last-minute defense.

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