Chapter 2

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Ashley's POV

I quietly sit at the bar, sipping my Jack & Coke. I knew I looked pitiful, sitting alone at a bar, but right now I honestly couldn't care less. After several drinks, I was finally a little drunk. But I can control my alcohol very well, so I was barely drunk.

Andy, on the other hand, can only handle about four drinks and he's passout drunk. Thankfully though, he's only a little drunk because he's only had two cocktails. Manly, I know. But I think it cute. He walks over to me, drink in his hand.

"Hey Ashes, why aren't you dancing?" He asks with his puppy dog eyes. Damn those perfectly blue eyes.

"Because I'm not really in a dancing mood right now." I answer simply.

"Will you be in a dancing mood if it's with me?" He sets his drink down and grabs my hands, pulling me off the bar stool. I hope he doesn't remember this in the morning I think to myself.

"Sure Andy, anything for you." I then lead him out to the dance floor.


I woke up with only a slight headache. I look over and see Andy in my bunk sound asleep he looks so peaceful I think to myself. Then I realize the worst part. We were both naked. Shiiiit I keep repeating in my head what happened last night?

Then all the memories came rushing back.

I decided to stay in bed with Ashley(after putting on boxers) to tell him all of what happened.

Andy's POV

I woke up the next morning in someone else's bunk. Then I realized I was naked and who was laying next to me. Shitshitshitshit I kept repeating in my head. Then I noticed my pounding hangover. I really need to learn to control my alcohol

"Good morning sleepyhead. It's 9:00 in the afternoon." Ashley said, walking to his bedside table to get some Advil and water for me.

"Thanks." I say quietly.

"No problem."

"So...what happened last night?" J ask awkwardly.

Awkward *** Conversation

After Ashley told me what happened last night, I burst.  I didn't want to be just a one night stand for Ashley to get over CC.

"Andy, what's wrong?"

"I'm just another one night stand to you aren't I!?" I say, mill voice rising.

"No Andy! You definitely are not! I love you!" He gasps, clasping his hand over his mouth.

"You- you love me?"

"Yeah, I guess I do."

"I- I love you too."

"But this is just too soon Andy. I mean, CC and I broke up only yesterday." Ashley whispers, keeping his gaze on the floor

"I'm pretty sure CC already has a new boytoy by now." I reply, getting slightly angered at CC hurting Ashley in any way.

As if on cue, CC walks in with his hand in someone else's. Thankfully, we had both already gotten dressed.

"Hey guys, this is Jaime, he's my new boyfriend." CC says. I could see the tests in Ashley's eyes.

"Well that's good, I was hoping you would find someone new, because Andy and I are actually dating." Ashley took his hand in mine, inspiring me to write a new song.

"Ok, hope y'all are happy." CC says as him and Jaime walk out of our bunk.

"Ashley, I have some inspiration for a new song!" I exclaim happily.

"Really? What about?"

"That parts a surprise."

I quickly got to work writing and when I finished I came up with a title. I finally decided on Rebel Love Song.

"Ashes, I finished the song!" I hand him my notebook and he reads the song.

When he's done, he looks at me with tears in his eyes and a smile on his face.

"Andy, this is absolutely perfect, is it about me?"

"Yes it is, you really like it?" He quickly nods his head yes.

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