03: cookies and eggnog

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I THREW MY BAG on the chair angrily before walking into the bathroom to take a shower.

No more letting people fuck me without my consent.

Well, for two days at least.

The water was scalding but it felt nice. I wanted it to rip off my skin and make me bleed. Let's see if Coach Hannah finds me beautiful after that.

I got out after fifteen minutes, pushing down guilt for wasting water. That was another thing.  I had started to feel guilty about anything and everything. Even more so than before. It was very fucking annoying.

"Has throwing up after school become a ritual now?" A voice called as I stepped out of my closet, making me jolt as I hit my head on the shelf over my study desk.

Isaiah cursed before leading me to my bed.

"You're not bleeding," he let out a sigh of relief before tsking, "but the fever is back and mom and dad  are stuck at work."

That's too bad. Just leave me to die, then.

I could feel his eyes on me for a few seconds before I spoke.

"I'm fine," he scoffed at my words. "I am," I insisted.

"Christmas is in three weeks, Emile. And you've been sick since November." I squeezed my eyes shut at his words, unwanted images flashing through my mind. He sighed, "I'm calling Lucas. He'll know what to do."

I shook my head, trying and failing to sit up.

"No don't call him! Are you stupid?" My fingers shook as I gripped his arm, trying to get him to put the phone away.

Isaiah clenched his jaw, "You both need to get over it. You were only fourteen, Emile. We all make stupid mistakes."


"All of us making stupid mistakes doesn't usually involve sleeping with your brother's girlfriend," I murmured, closing my eyes.

I was so fucking stupid. So dumb.

You're so pretty, Emile. You won't tell Lucas, right? It's our little secret.

Don't cry, Emile. Doesn't this feel good? Look how pretty you look.

"I'm going to get Ethan." He changed the subject and I turned around so my back was facing him.

Tears pricked the back of my eyes and I let them fall voluntarily for the first time in weeks. I wanted to hurt her and Coach Hannah as much as they hurt me. I wanted them to disappear and never come back.

It's karma. That's what you deserve.

I swallowed, wiping my eyes. There was no point in crying. I needed to be strong. I'll leave school next year. It'll be so over then. A new start. Hopefully. Away from that God awful human being.

"Baby bro," a hand touched my shoulder, jerking me awake. "Look what I have here!"

Lucas sat down a plate of chocolate chip cookies next to me as Ethan ruffled my hair.

Why was Lucas here?

"What time is it? Did I fall asleep?"

Elijah snickered from the sofa before turning back to Mario Kart. My brothers played that shit more than me.

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