Chapter 2: Embarrassment

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When they entered into Karen's appartment, Kenneth was mesmirized as to how beautiful it was.

It was three floors high (including the attic), and was red on the outside. They went in to the living room and Karen reminded him that were was no second/guest room so he would have to share with her, but that he should try the sofa first. He tried this but he found himself too big for it. So, he went to change and prepare himself. As the time was 9:30, they went to sleep.

Kenneth immediantly fell asleep when he landed on the bed.

He's so cute when he snores, thought Karen.Why am I thinking this? We just met!

These thoughts made Karen fall slowly to sleep.


The Next Day- In The Morning

"What the hel-!"Kenneth felt blood on his head as he fell off the bed and onto the floor. It turned out that during their sleep, Kenneth flipped on his side and accidentally hugged Karen. She responded in a very
aaggressive way.

" GET OFF OF ME YOU PERVERT OCTOLING!!!" Kenneth, not knowing what had happened, stood up but leaned against the wall. Unfortunately, he was met with a punch to the face. This was more than enough to give Kenneth a bloody nose and knock him out.

Later That Day

Kenneth woke up with a painful body. Karen was next to him. He stood up but fell back down. Noticing Karen's angry face, he crawled out of the room and got his backpack. Karen looked at him in confusion. Out of it, he got a first aid kit. He started to apply alcohol to his head and nose. Then Karen noticed his head wound.

" Oh my god, did I push you that hard?" Kenneth didn't respond, wincing in pain as he applied the alcohol to his head. Soon after attending to his wounds, Kenneth fell unconscious again.

Why did I do that? Thought Karen. I should be kind to him, not shout at him over one tiny mistake!

Karen began to cry over this.

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