Chapter 4: Worry

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Kenneth thought about something. He didn't know what but because his head still hurt but he seemed pretty concentrated on it. Soon after, he got a memcake. He started to make a poem. It had green tentacles, like Karen.

" Once foes, now friends, let us hope it never ends." He didn't what Karen to know, but he sort of had a crush on her. She look beautiful, acted nice and was a good friend.


Speaking of her, he hadn't seen her for a while so he grabbed the spare keys and went to look for her.


On his way, he received stares from Inklings but he ignored them. He was going to check the shops when she pulled him into a dark room.

"What're you doing here! You're not ready to go in public by yourself!" Said Karen.

"What makes you think that?" Questioned Kenneth.

"Look at all of the stares you're getting!" She gestured towards the Inklings outside who were looking at the room but then looking away when Karen opened the door.

"Fine. If you say so." He began to walk back towards Karen's apartment, receiving more stares but ignoring them.

Karen exited the room and was confronted by her friend, Olivia.

" Was that a boyfriend? OH MY GOD I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!"

" No, he's just a friend. But I do wish he was a boyfriend. I kind of have a crush on him, but I don't know how to tell him and I don't know if he likes me back."

" Don't worry! Olivia here has got a plan!"



Kenneth Out!

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