Chapter 5: Experimentation

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It was morning and Kenneth woke up first, so he decided to make breakfast. During his time in Inkopolis Square, he had heard of something called Turf Wars. He decided that he would try it out. Unfortunately, he didn't have 3 other people to try it out with, so he aked Karen. She agreed. The reason for that was because she can teach him, she can invite her friends and confess to him about her feelings for him.

What was the plan again? Thought Karen. Oh yeah. Olivia said I should take him to a private place after we spend some time together, and then admit my feelings for him. If he likes me, we're a couple. If he doesn't, accept that.


Karen invited her friends and they made their way to the Turf War arena. Kenneth decided that he would practise but first he needed a weapon so they went to Ammo Knights. He chose the N-Zap 89 as it felt nostalgic because he grew up with the N.E.S. and he played Duck Hunt with the N-Zapper. Sheldon went on and on, talking about abilities and specials. Kenneth listened with interest but Karen simply rolled her eyes. They paid for it and left the shop. After a few practises, he felt confident, Karen explained the rules of turf wars, and conveniently, Karen's friends were there.

" Kenneth, meet Olivia and her boyfriend, Jacob. Olivia and Jacob, meet Kenneth."

" Is he a boyfriend?" Teased Jacob.

"No!" They said in unison. This made them blush. Karen slapped Jacob and the four of them made their way to the turf wars arena.

Their opponents weren't mean to Kenneth but they were interested to see an Octoling. The turf wars match started and Kenneth covered turf whilst splatting enemies. After nearly two years of staying underground and forced to splat his own kind in violent battle, this was like a second nature to him, unfortunately.

They easily won at 97.6 percent to 2.4 percent. When they went to celebrate with pizza, Karen decided to execute her plan.

"Kenneth? Can I talk with you for a minute?"


Karen led them to the same room from a couple of days ago.

"I wanted to ask you something."

"Fire away."

"Do you like me?"

"Umm......... Karen, you'd have to define the word like for this situation."

"Ok. Like, as in would want to be in a relationship with."

"Ummm...... How about we both say it at the same time?" Asked Kenneth.

"3..... 2...... 1" stated Karen.

"Yes!" They stared at each other for some time before hugging. They also kissed but it was getting dark so they went home. This time, they went to sleep together, and they hugged.



Hoped you enjoyed! The next chapter might get a bit M-rated (as in for mature audiences) so look out for that!

Kenneth Out!

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