Chapter 6: Conflict

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Kenneth looked at the squid memcake. The first one he ever got. He had all of his memories back except one. The one from two years ago on the day that he entered the subway. He had heard rumours spreading that in the subway, there was an object that when touched, would make a person imagine that they were fighting an inkling girl that was described to look like Karen. So Kenneth went to investigate.

He arrived at the subway and surprisingly, saw Captain Cuttlefish.

"Hello Agent 8. What brings you here?" Asked the old squid.

"I'm looking for a golden object. One that is said to make people imagine that they are fighting someone." Cuttlefish just pointed and Kenneth could see a bright glowing object. He walked up to it and picked it up. Immediantly, he got a flashback.

Kenneth saw an inkling girl on a floating platform. She jumped down and started to spray ink on him.

He responded and hit her with his ink. He covered the floor and swam through it and then jumped out. She didn't expect that and he tackled her onto the floor. However, she hit him in the face with her Hero Shot and knocked his weapon out of his hand.

"I'm going to die, aren't I?" Sighed Kenneth. She didn't respond.

"Before you kill me, there was some things I wanted to say." He said as he pulled out a piece of paper.

"Oh mighty lord, thank you for giving me life. Thank you for giving me freedom. Soon I will return to the skies above. Thank you lord." He said, beginning to cry.

"Thank you for giving a family. Thank you for giving me friends. Thank you for everything. Now my time has come. Amen." He sat down and cried.

"You can kill me now." He said through sobs. He closed his eyes, expexting pain, expecting death. Instead he felt a pair of arms around him. The inkling girl was there comforting him. She stood but fell to the floor. She had passed out of exhaustion. Now that the fighting had stopped, he could hear the heavenly melody Calamari Inkantation. He hummed this for some time before passing out from exhaustion too.

Flashback End

Kenneth awoke and looked around him. He was still in the subway. He now remembered what had happened two years ago. He had fought Karen.


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Kenneth Out!

Opposites Attract: Female Agent 3 X Male Agent 8Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt