The Kind Stranger Girl

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I stretched my hands forward and as I was about to call out once more.
Someone called out "Haru-sama!".

I looked behind me and knew right away that the person standing back there was a soldier,probably a captain from the palace.

He was followed by other soldiers and seemed very serious.

I looked around for a place to hide in a hurry when someone pulled me towards an Alley.

I panicked.

But after seeing the person holding me back I calmed myself.

The person holding me back was a pretty girl who appeared to be my age.
After a while of her letting me go I totally forgot how strong her grip was when she pulled me.

I wanted to thank her but had no time since the soldiers were closing in on us.
We had to run and so we ran as far as we could.

We were both breathless and exhausted from running. Just then
"It seems we have outrun them". She said
"Yeah it seems so".I replied

"Uhhh.....right...thankyou very much for helping me out there". I thanked her while still panting hard.

The girl who appeared just like a fairy princess smiled warmly. She seemed like a kind person who helped me for no particular reason.

I thought then maybe just maybe she might be a fairy.(well not like that is possible,.....nah....and then a thought struck in my mind and i thought "well I guess it is!", I am here in a demon world after all,or perhaps I am just over thinking it,I mean a cute and kind girl like her surely can't be a monster right?!.).

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