Back to The Castle

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Ayame, myself and Ezel sat in a carriage and headed back to the castle.

We were welcomed by the soldiers and the castle guards. I caught glimpse of the soldier captain and he looked like "he is so dead" and he gulped the fear in.

Ayame gave him a stern look and called out "Spade" and he lead his soldiers around the castle.
I thought it was to make sure that I didn't escape again like before which made me a bit emabarassed at the thought.

Ezel let hold of my hands and lead me towards the huge castle door.
Ayame then spoke some vibrating words that I didn't understand and the castle door infront of us opened with a screeching noise.

What I saw before me were a number of maids bowing their heads standing in rows on both sides.

"Welcome back Ayame-sama,Ezel-sama and Haru-sama" they said all together.

As soon as I stepped forward I saw something shiny run towards me my eyes closed instantly and I saw my right hand chained once again. I had a shocked look on my face.

I then looked back at Ayame who just gave me a straight face look and turned towards the hall. I bet he removed the chains before but now since my escape he is seriously upset and the chains are back on me.

I didn't know much about the castle directions but I did know that following the chain would lead me to the room I first awoke in when I arrived there.


I laid on my bed and looked up the ceiling "where is this exactly?" And "why am I here?" I questioned myself.

The world around me had me exhausted really.

I thought there was a way out of there but what I saw outside the castle was truly not the world I had known.
It was a different world with different people then "what about my brother?,
I saw him in the alley I am sure I couldn't be mistaken..."these were my thoughts then.

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