Chapter XXV

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"So, Beca, what is it about your parent's divorce that makes you feel so uncomfortable?" The psychologist asked as Beca was sat across from her.

Beca took up what the doctor said and go to a psychologist. Of course, the artist was hesitant since talking to someone about her problems was the last thing she wanted to do but she didn't like the things she was feeling in her mind and in her body, so she was prepared to do whatever it took to get rid of them.

"Well... I guess the fact that my mom left me and my dad so easily... I was only a kid and she just left like it was no trouble or no worries. It was as if she didn't care that she just left... I dunno..." Beca shrugged. "I'm sorry, but what does this have to do with my anxiety?"

"Well, Beca, you have a lot of stress in your life and you have a lot of things that need sorting out. So you may have problems but the way you deal with them is connected to your past. You are a very stand-offish person and that's because of your childhood." The psychologist explained.


"Think of it like this - your life is like a tree. You grow and you begin to have problems, which are like the branches. So on one branch, you have work and on another branch, you have relationships, and all those problems within work and relationships are the leaves. Does that make sense?"

"Kinda, yeah..."

"So, in order to fix the damaged leaves and the branches, you have to go into the root of the tree where it all began to sort it out. Once we get to those roots, we can begin to unpack what's been going on with you and dealing with those things that haven't been dealt with. As soon as you deal with the main problem, those branches and leaves may disappear or be a lot easier to deal with. So, for instance, your issue with being close to people. Do you think maybe that has something to do with your mother leaving?"

"I suppose so... I haven't really thought about it much."

"You don't like talking about it?"


"Why not?"

"Because it's no one's business."

"I have a feeling that there's another reason why you don't like talking about it."

Beca sighed. "It's uncomfortable."


"What do you mean why? My mom left when I was just a kid! That'd be uncomfortable for anyone to talk about!"

"There are people who are quite open to talking about their childhood and the difficulties they faced. It's those who haven't dealt with the past that have trouble talking about it."

"I don't know what you want me to say..." Beca said, agitated.

"I want to get to the bottom of your feelings, Beca. You lock them away so no one can see them and you think it works but it doesn't."

"How do you know that it doesn't?"

"Because you're here."

Damn, she's got me there, Beca thought.

"My job is to help you, Beca. You're here because you're struggling and you don't know how to help yourself and that's no fault of your own. I'm willing and prepared to help you as long as you are, too. I can tell you what you can do but you need to apply it. What's happening now is a two-way street. I can't help you when you close yourself off to me. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Yes," Beca sighed.

"Good. So, tell me about Chloe."

"Chloe? What's she got-"

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