Wake-up Call

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Harper considers Skylar's advice many times throughout her day but ultimately thinks that heading back to New York for a few weeks will be the best thing for her to do. She loves New Year's Eve in the Big Apple, probably more so than most people that have lived there or the ones that still do, and she really thinks the crowds of people, the noise, and the celebration will be a great distraction. At the very least, it will be the kind of distraction that she really needs to take her mind off of Gillian.

Minutes ago, she received a random text message from Declan asking if she is at home. She confirms but tells him that she is going to be busy the rest of the evening just in case he has plans to come by to see her. By now, she assumes that Gillian has already told him that she is taking a few weeks off so she really wants to avoid having that conversation with him if she can. She is nearly done packing her bag when she hears a loud knock at her door. She walks to the door, looks through the peephole and groans inwardly. She does not open the door for him but instead just starts speaking through the door. "What do you want, Declan? I told you that I was going to be busy." She says to him, slightly irritated that he decides to come by even though she had tried to deflect it.

"I can't imagine what it is that you're busy with. It's not like you have a lot of things to pack. Gillian told me that you are taking a few weeks off." Declan says through the door.

Harper groans. "Declan, I'm seriously asking. What do you want? I'm really tired right now and I wasn't expecting company."

He sounds frustrated and upset when he bangs on the door again. "What I really want is for you to open this bloody door!"

"I said, I'm a little busy at the moment. I want to leave for New York tomorrow morning. I'm sure that whatever it is that you want to talk about can wait until I get back."

Declan could not believe what he is hearing. "You're an idiot, Jace! A real, huge fucking idiot. Now, open this door." He requests again.

"I don't know what you're talking about but I do know whatever it is, that it can wait until I get back." Harper says as she turns away from the door and walks back towards the bedroom, determined to just ignore him.

Declan scoffs. "You're hilarious, Harper. You don't know what I'm talking about? Right. Well, why don't I remind you? A week ago, Gillian finally lowers that damn wall she has had up since all that mess with Danielle. Then, she practically throws herself at you, and what do you do? You run. And you are literally still just running away right now."

This catches Harper's attention and she hurriedly walks back towards the door, glaring at it as if she can see through it. "She did not throw herself at me, Declan. It was just a kiss. Not to mention, it was a kiss that was provoked by the three of you fuckers. She was pressured into doing that and now I'm dealing with the repercussions of a mess you created." She argued.

Declan laughs mockingly. "This is unbelievable. Are you seriously dense? If you think for a second that anyone can make Gillian Gainer do anything that she doesn't want to do, you're as mad as a box of frogs. She wanted to kiss you, Harper. Probably as much as you wanted to kiss her and you can't seem to get your head out of your arse long enough to just admit that to yourself."

Harper opens her mouth to speak but then closes it again at a loss for words. It is a fact that kissing Gillian has been on her mind for a very long time. And she has really liked Gillian a lot for months now. But before that kiss, it has not once occurred to her that her feelings for Gillian would ever be reciprocated. Since realizing her feelings, she has focused all of her energy on trying to be a good friend to the other woman. Even though it took them awhile in the beginning, after months of getting to know each other, from all the furniture shopping to sharing secrets, and then to sleepovers and movie nights, she can say that they are actually really good friends. And Gillian is someone that she does not want to lose.

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