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                               THREE; ALARM

8:45 AM

When an alarm started blaring over the intercom no one had any clue what it meant. Lee was pissed that it had woken her up from her little nap.

The shrill noise came in rounds of five, rapidly spitting out in a pitch way higher than that of the secretary's.

"No one freak out, I'm just going to check the safety book."

While Mr. Pinkerton started to root through his drawers the rest of the class took it as an opportunity to begin chatting away once more.

"Ten bucks Drew McBride set off the fire alarm again." Ashton's voice raised above everyone else's.

Lee rolled her eyes as people chuckled in agreement. They were all morons.

"It's sets of three for a fire alarm, dumbasses." Lee's statement shut everyone up for a few moments before they started talking loudly once more.

Lee watched as Mr. Pinkerton's eyes scanned over the bland safety manual. Lee also watched as suddenly all colour drained from his face and his eyes continued to re-read the same set of sentences. He quickly strode over to the light switch and shut it off, leaving them only in the soft glow of the emergency light.

Students called out in protest as Mr. Pinkerton proceeded to insert his key into the electrical panel in order to shut off even the emergency light.

"Everyone go and get along the eastern wall."

Panicked teens began shouting out questions while Mr. Pinkerton strictly told them to be quiet.

Lee reached out to try and grab ahold of Hunter wherever he was. She wasn't going to lie, she was scared and she wanted her best friend by her side.

"Lee?" She could hear Hunter to her right, so she clutched onto what she could feel to be Hunter's worn black jumper.

Together the two friends shuffled through the dark and to the far wall. Many students were still trying to reach the other side.

The longer they sat in the dark the easier it became to sort of see the surroundings. Everyone couldn't be more thankful for their slightly limited vision.

Every heart and mind in the room was racing. Lee's mind however was racing faster than anyone else's. She tried to recall all of the safety measures they go through on the first day of school (the ones that people ignore).

Fires, storms, floods. Lee had survived through a small fire in elementary and she thought that was one of the most fearful school experiences.

Then it clicked.

"Lockdown." She whispered mainly to herself.

"What?" Hunter could barely hear Lee, she was being far too quiet.

"We are going into a lockdown," Lee looked around at the frightened faces around her, "And I don't think it's a drill."

Lee looked up to see Mr. Pinkerton as he neither confirmed nor denied her suspicions, but Lee knew she was right.

"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth."

-Oscar Wilde.

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