I'm Sorry

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Grace adjusted her dress as she walked into the cafe, it had been 2 weeks since she last spoke to John and 2 months since she last spoke to Randy

John texted her last night and told her to meet him at this very cafe, he said he wanted to talk about what happened. She didn't reply last night and she only came to the cafe as a last minute decision

She walked over to where she saw John sitting and sat down, looking at him

"I've been an asshole." He admitted a minute after she sat down

She didn't say anything, just sat and stared at him

She didn't say anything, just sat and stared at him

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"I don't want you to hate me." He continued

"I don't," she replied truthfully

"I've just been seeing Randy's perspective more than I allowed myself to see yours," he admitted

"And that was the problem. You didn't see the situation from my perspective at all. It was always just Randy's side," she explained

"I guess I got sick of it. It's like there's a situation that negatively affects both of us but as soon as Randy's heart breaks a little, you're jumping over me to defend him and that hurts cuz you're supposed to be my best friend to. We've been closer than you and Randy," she spoke, nothing but facts

"It's always been like this and it really hurts that you don't notice that I needed you. When you go through something that negatively affects you, you just need to know that you're best friend is there for you, but I swear to god you're happy that Randy and I broke up," she said

 When you go through something that negatively affects you, you just need to know that you're best friend is there for you, but I swear to god you're happy that Randy and I broke up," she said

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"How can you say that?" He asked in actual disbelief

"Cuz you always rub my face in it and remind me that I broke Randy's heart, you always remind me that I fucked up, always. It's like you don't care about my feelings, you just care that I know that Randy's hurt," she told him, watching his facial expression

 It's like you don't care about my feelings, you just care that I know that Randy's hurt," she told him, watching his facial expression

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