Chapter 2

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                I was in one of my science classes when my phone vibrated in my jacket's pocket.

In no mood to be verbally slaughtered by the professor, I avoided checking it.


The class ended and I collected my things, bundling them and putting in my bag safely. Waving some people goodbye, I started walking out of class, heading towards cafeteria.

The thought of calling Yoongi reminded me that I had to check my phone from earlier.

It was a message from an unknown number.

####: hey :~>

I was used to getting messages from new people at university but for some reason, this felt unusual.

Hesitating to reply, I decided to message Yoongi instead.

Me: where r uuuu?

Sugar McCarteny: at. The. Dorm.
Sugar McCarteny: why?

Me: wtff? We were supposed to meet at cafeteria butch.
Me: butch
Me: bitch*

Sugar McCarteny: my man, listen, I had basketball practice and then
Sugar McCarteny: i got so tired
Sugar McCarteny: and i was so freaking sleepy
Sugar McCarteny: i dragged myself straight to dorms.
Sugar McCarteny: sorry
Sugar McCarteny: yk ily

Me: i hate u.

I dismissed the idea of going to cafeteria, not feeling hungry anymore. I was mostly going there to see Yoongi anyway.

My feet dragged me to the one and only plausible destination, dorms.
Yawning, I felt the exhaustion wearing me out too as I thought about taking a short nap before completing piling assignments.


The sound of the alarm I had set to wake me up before too long, rang through the small dorm room.

And as much as I'd like to say that I woke up, stretching and feeling fresh, I couldn't. Instead, I lay there with half opened eyes and debated over two most difficult options; snooze or stop.

I knew if I snoozed the alarm now, i'd keep snoozing it forever and so, reluctantly, I put an end to it's sound and decided to check my phone.

I had four new messages from the unknown number.

####: hey? 🌚
####: you there?
####: are you ignoring me? >:(
####: guess i'll find out.😔

I sat up-straight and decided to reply.

Me: i'm sorry idr but who's this?

And the reply came instantly.

####: me?
####: guess I'm your future boyfriend🤷🏻‍♀️🌚

What the—

Me: excuse me?

Unknown: k there, rude-riding-hood, did you not enter your number for the valentine's day thing?

Rude-riding-hood. I can finally say I've heard the cringe-yest thing on earth.

And what?

When did I—

Wait. Wait


Storming to his room, I banged on the door loudly and yelled, "Min Yoongi, open up!"

This would wake him up, I thought.

And sure enough, moments later, I came face to face with a tired and confused looking Yoongi.

"I'm going to send your ass back to Korea for what you did." I said as I walked inside his room and closed the door behind me.

I was glad at the fact that his roommate wasn't here but the feeling disappeared quickly.

"How could you enter my number into something I never agreed for?"

Realization dawned on his blank face and now he struggled to find a logical answer.

"I know its a small thing for you but its not for me. You know this whole—Valentine's day and all, brings back unwanted memories. You know everything Yoongi, then what are you pushing me for?" Looking directly into his eyes, I questioned him.

He was silent for a while before he calmly spoke, "you answered yourself Dria. When you have unwanted memories attached to this day then why the hell won't you allow yourself to make new ones? Why won't you allow yourself to move on?"

"I have moved on!"

"Really? Tell yourself that."

I knew It'd be useless arguing with him, so I did what was the easiest thing to do in that moment.
Without giving him an answer, I quietly walked out.

My phone vibrated moments later, flashing Yoongi's contact name. Glancing at the notification screen, I ended up ignoring the messages, realising, what they were about.

Sugar McCarteny: don't block the number
Sugar McCarteny: please

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