Chapter 5

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             "Excuse me, I suddenly need to puke."

Yoongi's hand found my shoulder when he noticed what I was talking about, mouth momentarily hanging open.

Was Jimin so desperate that he hadn't even bothered to get a room?

How disgusting of him.

I tore my eyes away from the sickening site, murmuring something to Yoongi that told him not to follow me, despite his reluctance.

My feet took me in opposite direction, searching for some place quiet, away from the crowd.


I stared down at the half empty bottle of alcohol.

Without giving a single thought, I had recklessly chugged the contents down my throat before I could even change my mind.

How very mature of me.

Sending Yoongi dozen texts —all assuring him that I was fine— was not such a good idea after all.

Regardless of my regret, hazy thoughts were now floating in a blur all around me.
But atleast, they had completely blurred Park Jimin out.

But very much aware of my not-so-sober condition, I knew I had to put myself in a 'solitary confinement' soon, before I did something that would forever give me haunting flashbacks.

I wove my way through the not-so-massively packed crowd, thanks to the expansive size of the house; hoping that my tipsy self would find way to the stairs without consequences.

And fortunately, I did.

You'd expect that, for such a well-designed place, the staircase would be somewhat luxuriously built. But they were just simple steps making way to the upper storey.

Climbing one at a time and steadying myself, I reached the steady ground. It opened up to a large hall show-casing strong wooden doors.
The area was enveloped with bright lights, as opposed to, red and blue hues surrounding the party below.

I walked further, realizing, that the muffled music made the hall almost peaceful.

But almost all of the doorknobs had a sock attached to them—a sign that restricted anyone's entry for their own good.

And being someone who was in no mood to witness certain explicit activities, I finally spotted a door on the corner with a visibly bare handle.

I reached out to it, hoping to go through but of course it just didn't budge.

The door was locked.

Voices issuing from the inside made it clear that it was secured from inside and if it did open, I was going to have company.

But I knocked anyway several times before it was finally unlocked, revealing the person who did it, making me wish it hadn't.

The boy standing before me looked politely surprised as he stared at my disheveled form.

But of course, this boy had to be the one unarguably duct-taped to Jimin at all times.

His best-freaking-friend.

I didn't know what went through this head of mine because totally against my sober-will, I found myself walking past him, greeting loudly,

"Hello Taehyungie."

Okay, what the—

Taehyungie? Taehyungie?

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