Chapter 3

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                   Whoever this was, boy was he persistent because few hours later, he had messaged again.

Unknown: you haven't even seen me and you're already rejecting me 😤
Unknown: for all you know, I could be the most handsome guy of university
Unknown: and you'd be missing out badly.

Me: well then, why don't YOU tell me who you are so we can actually find out if you're worth my time or na

Unknown: why don't YOU start with who you are 🌚🤷🏻‍♀️

Me: why are you hiding your identity?

Unknown: why are you hiding your identity?

His further persistence made me groan in frustration.
Why was it so hard for him to just tell me who he was?

I wasn't letting him on any information either if he was going this way.

Me: listen
Me: I'm going to be straight forward with you.
Me: I didn't even put my number up for this whole thing.
Me: i really don't want to get in any kind of mess rn.
Me: and you don't even know who I am so frankly i'd like it to be that way.

And like any guy, out of all the things, he chose to reply to just one.

Unknown: tell you what
Unknown: I can find out who you are
Unknown: without you even slipping your name

Me: not interested

Unknown: but I am ;)
Unknown: in you ;)

Me: i'd be flattered
Me: so none of your flirting is gonna work
Me: sorry

Unknown: who stole your lunch?

Me: What do you mean?

Unknown: you're so grumpy. Theres gotta be a reason for that.

Me: you make no sense

Unknown: but you do.
Unknown: you make aaaallll the sense in the world.
Unknown: beside me ;)

Me: you're creepy asf
Me: goodbye.

Unknown: Theres Jung Hoseok's party tonight.
Unknown: I'm gonna be there.

Me: so?

Unknown: thats your hint #1
Unknown: for you to find out who I am.
Unknown: if you actually do though
Unknown: I won't bother you again
Unknown: but if I win
Unknown: and find out who you are
Unknown: you'll have to do anything I say ;)


Unknown: jesusss
Unknown: you're so dirty
Unknown: I didn't even mean it that way
Unknown: but me likey

Me: ewwww
Me: get out.

Unknown: :(

Me: just so you know, I'm not playing this stupid game of yours.
Me: and I won't come to the party
Me: I'm not even gonna reply

Unknown: ok then
Unknown: I'm silently going to pass your number to every guy around here
Unknown: imagine dozens of messages like these and e v e r y d a y
Unknown: 🌚

Me: you wouldn't do that.

Unknown: oh but I will
Unknown: and see, it already made u reply, works for me

Unknown: see you at the party :)

What is this "unknown" hiding 🤔🌚

A/N:What is this "unknown" hiding 🤔🌚

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