Chapter 10

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Opening the door of the coffee shop that was five minutes away from campus and where Jimin and I usually had our breakfast, the bittersweet smell hit me almost immediately, followed by the familiar warmth that I very much longed for in this dreaded cold.

I spotted Jimin sitting at our usual table at the far end by the window, fully immersed in whatever he was doing on his phone. Before he could look up, I made my way towards him, seating myself on the opposite side but not before I snatched his phone from his loose grip.

"So, Lindsay has texted that she's free after twelve today with a creepy moon emoji. Sounds like a plan for you." I visibly grimaced as I read his message.

"You scared the shit out of me Tae." Jimin said, grabbing his phone back, clearly not amused. "And I'm not taking any Lindsay out, just for the record. I was just passing time waiting for you because your ass was taking too long."

I signaled the waiter to bring our usual order and replied casually, "It's hard to tell sometimes that you came to America to study and not for the sole purpose of hooking up."

"Hard to resist when you have the talent to do both and the looks."

"Now that was extremely cringey."  I said to him and he smiled.


It had only been a few minutes since our breakfast arrived when Jimin brought up something that I knew he would.

"So how are those texts coming along?" He asked, cutting into a piece of his omelet.

"What texts?" I asked just because I liked seeing the impatience grow on his face.

Jimin swallowed his bite and looked at me, "You know whose text I'm talking about."

"Alexandria? I thought you didn't really care about whatever I said to her."


Hi, tbvh if no one's reading this then I really don't blame them lol b/c I haven't updated in FOREVER and no lies, this is all that I've written for the new part. I hate leaving stories unfinished but apparently thats all I'm good at. Anyway, I'm here and publishing this b/c IF anyone is reading then first of all HOW lol second, TELL ME if you want me to continue b/c if there are people who say so, trust me I will. Third, I don't freaking know why I named the main character "Dria" of ALL names. It was short for Alexendria and I-

basically I can't with myself rn.

This was supposed to be THE BIG REVEAL chapter but, ya lol.

If you wish for me to just narrate the whole story in the next update and just end it then do tell me about that too


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