Chapter 11

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Me: come to think of it
Me: you know a lot about me by now
Me: like you know I've dated Jimin
Me: and kissed Taehyung.... #deepregretzyikes
Me: you could find out who i am in like seconds

V: regretted that kiss? Wow tae
V: i mean tea

Me: i forgot that was ur fav topic
Me: my bad
Me: but like

V: bout that, tf u think I am?
V: Jake Peralta? Sherlock?
V: like how would I even know? thats absurd

Me: rlly? From where i see it, u know these people
Me: u cud just go up to Taehyung and pull a 'just heard u got drunk kissed yada yada yada'
Me: its pretty easy

V: "yAda Yada Yada"
V: well unlike u
V: i like to keep my nose where it belongs B)
V: in MY business B)

Me: ur so fkn rude bitch

V: well wot can I say
V: u get me all hot and frustrated ;-)

Me: take a cold shower, alright?

V: i like that idea. I'll need company tho :-)

Me: this is cyber harassment *disgust intensified*

V: feel free to block me 🤷🏻‍♀️ *openly challenges c:*

Me: a$$hole &@:&:$
Me: I would if I could B-|
Me: also don't you dare compare yourself to Jake frickin Peralta AGAIN
Me: you are NO WHERE that hot :-)

V: honey u have nooo idea just how hot i am
V: and just how lucky u are 👅

Me: PLEase, this isnt high school musical and you rnt troy bolten and u won't launch into a song and the whole college won't join u with perfectly co-ordinated steps 🙄🙄🙄
Me: (hoping you have an iPhone so you can see my eyerolls)
Me: (they are the punctuation to my burn)

V: but I do sing on the stage and 75,000+ girls do go crazy when I do :-)
V: ( worst burn in history of burns)
V: (worst eyeroll in history of eyerolls)

Me: stop dreaming Vanessa
Me: u need therapy my dear
Me: (get lost)

V: Ok but, thing is

Me: shit shit shit shit
Me: no nononono
Me: is that Taehyung walking towards me?
Me: JESUS WHY???? is it b/c I don't pray much anymore?
Me: ughh bra
Me: BRB*

40 Days To Valentine's Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang