Violent Val and Her List of Threats

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Leo's first thought when he saw the garden. 'I'm sure I'll do something absolutely stupid and destroy this place.' It took all his will power not to. Of course, it would probably be an accident. But Valentine definitely didn't seem like the forgiving type.

"What is this place?" He questioned, having trouble looking away from the scene. Although he didn't see her, Leo could bet Valentine was preparing her book for a threat.

"I swear on all of the gods Valdez, If you do ANYTHING to MY garden, I'll-"

"It's beautiful."

Valentine looked at him in question. Sure, Leo probably didn't seem like he would care about anything that had to do with nature. After the past year, he sometimes still got scared of the ground and porta-potty-sludge. But he did. One look, and he bet his mom would love one of the bright flowers glowing in the sunlight.

Leo pointed towards a stunning golden and white flower under a direct natural spotlight from the sun. "What's that?"

Valentine was knocked out of her surprise and snorted, "Do you know anything about plants Valdez? It's called Sunlace."

"I've heard of Moonlace, but never Sunlace. What is it?" His eyes were still locked on the plant, but he managed to rip his gaze back to Valentine. She looked 10x better in her (natural habitat) garden. The sun gleamed off her hair just enough to make it look like she had a golden aura surrounding her. She reached out and closed his mouth that he didn't even realize was hanging open.

"Well, Moonlace is Artemis's sacred flower. Sunlace, well, are you smart enough to guess, Christmas elf?" She questioned, a challenging look in her eye.

Leo was slightly taken aback, "Excuse me? Was that an insult?" Valentine smirked, rolling her eyes.

"Of course."

"Well, I take pride in my GORGEOUS ears." Leo used humor to play it off, but he was actually a bit sensitive on the topic. Of course, he always made jokes instead of showing weakness in front of past bullies, but that didn't mean it didn't sting.

'A-Anyways, we've got trees to cut down, correct?" He gave Valentine a determined smile. "Show me what you've got."

Valentine looked him up and down, "Like you could cut down a tree." She chuckled to herself, walking farther into the clearing. Leo followed, his eyes narrowing.

"I can do it. Just try me." A committed look crossed his eye, and he cracked his knuckles. With a roll of her eyes, Valentine summoned a tree out of nowhere that was about his own height and width.

"Go ahead. Cut it down." She was challenging him. Leo knew he couldn't back down now. One look at the tree and he knew she'd be surprised by his capabilities.

"Alright m'lady, step aside." He fiddled around in his tool belt for a few moments, then pulled out his trusty 40-pound hammer. She didn't look impressed.

"I'm surprised you can even hold that." She said, sitting down on a nearby rock and opening her book.


Valentine's first thought after she saw Leo Valdez's annoyingly cute face was 'He's gonna to do something stupid and burn the whole place down.'

"What is this place?"Valdez asked. After that stupid question, she felt justified to threaten him.

"I swear on all of the gods Valdez If you do ANYTHING to MY garden, I'll-"

"It's beautiful."

'Heck yeah, it is.' Valentine thought although she was too stunned to say it. She hadn't been wanting to show Valdez her garden, most of her plants still weren't even planted. She only had a few mythical plants Artemis and Apollo gave Valentine, her rose bush, and sunflower plus a few others her and Lily created. She had only recently gotten the plants back from her father's garden... 'Valentine, stop.' She shook the thought away. It was too painful.

Leo pointed towards the Sunlace, his eyes completely mesmerized, "What's that?" Getting out of her surprised state, Valentine snorted.

"Do you know anything about plants Valdez? It's called Sunlace." She couldn't believe he was so stupid. Hadn't he learned anything in their monsters and mythology classes? Then again, he had only arrived that year and spent most of his time saving the world. 'It's his own fault for not studying.' Valentine assured herself.

"I've heard of Moonlace, but never Sunlace. What is it?" He turned his gaze back towards her. His mouth gaped open, and Valentine closed it herself so she didn't get embarrassed.

"Well, Moonlace is Artemis's sacred flower. Sunlace, well, are you smart enough to guess, Christmas elf?" She questioned, daring him to reply.

For some reason, he looked taken aback, "Excuse me? Was that an insult?" Valentine smirked at the fact that he caught on, then rolled her eyes.

"Of course." What else would it be? A compliment? Not likely.

"Well, I take pride in my GORGEOUS ears." He grinned in his mischievous way but looked slightly hurt. Valentine wondered if she had struck a nerve and felt bad for saying it for a second. Only for a second thought.

He shook his head, "A-Anyways, we've got trees to cut down, correct?" He flashed a determined smile. "Show me what you've got." 'That smile, I swear.' Valentine thought to herself, 'It's so irritating. Yet kind of adorable.' She mentally slapped herself with her book.

She looked him up and down, "Like you could cut down a tree." He didn't look strong enough to pick up a tiny stone. She chuckled, walking deeper into the garden. Leo's footsteps followed close behind like a lost puppy.

"I can do it. Just try me." He looked absolutely committed to proving her wrong. 'How cute- NO! Stop it right now!' Valentine rolled her eyes, mainly to herself. She summoned a tree about his size. Short, thin, and scrawny. If he could get even the slightest dent on the thing, she might even clap.

"Alright m'lady, step aside." Valentine watched him fiddle in his toolbelt for a second. For a moment, she wondered if he would pull out more popcorn. Instead, he pulled out a 40-pound hammer. 'Wow, that's gotta weigh more than he does!' Valentine thought to herself.

"I'm surprised you can even hold that." She said, sitting down on a rock that was nearby. Her eyes were getting sore from looking at him, so she opened her book instead.

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