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"What do you want Grier?" I snap in a hushed tone to the annoying kid who sits beside me in French class.

His name is Hayes Grier, and he happens to be one of the most popular guys in the 9th grade.

Most girls, if not all of the girls in our grade -- excluding me of course, think he is the absolute perfect guy but to me he is just downright annoying.

He has unfortunately been my neighbour since we were little. We used to be really close, best friends even, but then we drifted. I'm not exactly sure where we stand as of right now.

Let's just say a lot has happened between the two of us over the many years we've known each other.

Explaining it all would be a whole other story I'm afraid, so you are just gonna have to take my word for it.

"Um, what's the answer to question number 6?" he whispers back.

"Hayes this is a test!" I whisper-yell getting more and more irritated by the second.

"So?" he replies and I roll my eyes. I can't believe this kid sometimes.

"So I can't help you, you should have studied." In times like this, I wish Hayes was more like me.

I love school while he loathes it. I find work fun while he thinks it's stupid. I get straight 'A's while he gets 'C's featuring more than a few "D"s.

We're just so different... too different.

It causes multiple spats between us on a regular basis. I can't even keep up with all the times he made me want to strangle him into a very violent death.

"Miss Brooks, since you are talking I assume you're done your test. Please hand in your paper," my teacher, Mrs. Dobson orders.

"But I wasn't talking, it was all him!" I protest angrily pointing at a grinning Hayes.

"Not gonna lie, I was talking Mrs. D," Hayes announces not giving a care in the world about the consequences.

"Well then both of you hand in your papers and get out of my class for the rest of the period" she concludes shooing us both out.

Hayes just laughs, snatches my paper off my desk, hands in our tests, then skips out the door giving me no choice but to follow him.


"This is your fault ya know," I huff at Hayes in annoyance although it's not like he cares if I'm annoyed with him anyway.

At the moment we are still sitting outside Mrs. Dobson's class. The two of us are stuck here until the end of the period which was another 20 gruesome minutes away.

The halls were completely empty because everyone else was in their classes as our school doesn't allow going to the bathroom during instructional time.

That rule is rather inconvenient if you are seconds away from wetting yourself and I did in the 4th grade which is the reason why they lifted that rule for everyone in the 5th grade and under.

"Oh come on Brooks, we all know you love spending time with me," Hayes smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Please, I can list a million other places I'd rather be, one of them being in French class taking my test," I retort in frustration but he simply shrugs.

Why do I bother arguing with him? Nothing I do will make him stop pestering me. I guess after years of trying I'm finally beginning to  learn my lesson.

some things change | hayes grier & shawn mendesWhere stories live. Discover now