Dead Set On A Getaway.

538 36 16

A/N: My pictures are probably sorta random

Alex's POV

That's it. I'm done. I walked out of school and I'm going home now. I can't believe Jack and I were friends once. In the beginning of eighth grade we stopped being friends. Of course, that's when it all went downhill.

You know what? Kellin's right. Nobody would care. Actually, nobody would really even notice, except for my parents.

I'm going to end it all, and I will make sure Jack knows it's mostly his fault.

I got home and both of my parents were at work. Perfect. I unlocked the door with the key under the mat. I grabbed a bottle of gin and went up to my room. I opened my desk drawer and grabbed my blade. I went to the bathroom and grabbed a bottle of sleeping pills. I dragged the blade hard across my skin several times. I had about eight gashes on each arm. I didn't want to lose too much blood yet.

I whipped out my phone. I, surprisingly, still had Jack's number. I turned on my video and started recording.

"Well Jack, you're welcome. I'm doing you a favour, right?" Tears started streaming down my face.

"You've made the past few years of my life torture. You did more than beat me up. You destroyed me. All my happiness. All my confidence. Every part of me. I'm worthless anyway, so don't worry," I said, turning sarcastic.

"Oh, I forgot, your friends Kellin and Vic may want to know too so you better show them. I'm sure they'd love to see this," I showed my arms to the camera. I grabbed the gin and took a sip. It burned and tasted terrible, but I was used to it.

"It's okay though. I'm not gonna die alone," I started laughing while I cried, "I'm dying with my friends. A bottle of pills and a bottle of gin. Oh! You can't forget my best friend!" I brought my blade to the camera.

"Bye Jack. Have a great life without me!" I raised the bottle of alcohol to the camera and shoved a bunch of pills in my mouth. I took a sip and swallowed.

I sent the video and took another sip. The room went slightly darker. It felt so much harder to even move. I decided to take more pills, but I was stupid and put the cap back on. It took a few minutes to get it off, but I did. I shoved some more pills in my mouth and swallowed with the help of the drink.

A few minutes passed and faintly heard something downstairs. The room was dark and spinning. The last thing I remember is hearing a familiar voice yell.

Then it was black. It was over. Done. There was nothing. This can't be all there is, though.

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