Chapter 1: Today Starts A New Day

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  I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock. I rub my eyes as I look around my hotel room. It was a bit messy, but I didn't mind. The reason I was in a hotel room because I was an exchange student in an exchange program. I flew all the way to Seoul, South Korea to participate. I got dressed in my school uniform, brushed and braided my hair, and put on some light makeup. I grabbed my backpack and headed for the bus station.

  As I waited for the bus, I pulled out my phone and put on some BTS music. I silently bop my head along with the music. War of Hormone starts playing and I start dancing a little. War of Hormone was my favorite BTS song. I was so absorbed in dancing that I almost didn't realize that the bus pulled up. I got on the bus and sat in my usual spot.

  I looked out the window as the bus started moving again. Man, I wonder what everyone is doing right now back at home. I say to myself. The rest of the bus ride went smoothly.

  When the bus pulled up in front of the school, I got my stuff and got off. "Talia, over here!" I hear someone shout. I look around and see Aidyn waving me over. I speed-walked over to where she was standing at the flagpole. "Hey, Aidyn. What's up?" I asked. "I wanna know. Have you heard that RM from BTS announced that there's going to be a fan signing at their company?" she explained, a smile coming across her face. 

  "Wait, really? When is it?"I replied excitedly, almost shouting. "Next week!!" she said, trying to hold in all of her excitement. I freaked out, ignoring the fact that everyone was staring at me. "Oh my god, I can't believe that we're going to a BTS fan signing. We finally get to know each member one on one." I explained as we entered the school.

Aidyn just smiled as we walked to our first class.

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