Chapter 5: A Day Worth Remembering

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  When I walked into the restaurant, the smell of cooked seafood filled my nose. "You see, this is the place that I used to come to as a kid," he said, looking at me with his dimple smile. I found his dimples to be really adorable and cute. A waiter approached us and asked:"Would you like a booth or a table?" "Booth please." RM replied. 

   The waiter nodded and escorted us to a booth next to a window. I sat down first and he sat next to me. The waiter gave us our menus and said: "Your server will be right with you." We nodded and the waiter left. 

  I took a look at the menu. "Wow, there's a lot of good food to choose from." I explained, looking through the entrees. "You look kinda...nervous." he says with a smirk. "Why would I be nervous?" I asked, a curious expression coming across my face. "Well, have you ever been on a date before?" he asked. "Actually, no. This is my first date." I said with realization. "Oh. I didn't know. It's ok. All girls are nervous on their first date." He explains, placing a hand on my back. I smile at the feeling of his touch. 

  "Why are you smiling?" I hear him ask,which snaps me out of my trance. "Huh? What? Oh nothing, I was just thinking about something" I say, looking back at him. "Okay then." he said. Our server then walked up to us and asked what we wanted to drink. I got a Dr. Pepper and RM got a water. "Ok, your drinks will be out shortly." the server said and walked away.

   We passed the time by making small talk while waiting for our food to come out. We talked about almost everything that we could possibly think of.

  After a while he scooted closer to me, not like so close that it's uncomfortable,but close enough for us to see each other better. I blushed a little bit. Soon, our food arrived. It was a big platter filled with different types of sushi. I looked at him with a smile, "Dang this is a lot of food." I say, turning my focus back to the food. "Yeah, I got it because I was going to share it with you." he explained, doing his dimple smile.I blushed a bit and tried to hide it.

   "Why are you blushing?" he asked. "Oh, umm, I am just really in love with your smile and your dimples." I replied. "Oh, really, I mean, I have been told girls dig my dimples." he said smiling. "Well, not as much as I dig you with your adorable dimples." I then leaned in close and kissed him and he kissed back.

  Once we broke apart, he looked at me and said: "Man, I'm the luckiest guy to have met the most beautiful girl in the world." "Wow really?" I ask, looking at him with a happy expression. "Yep. You changed my entire life." he replied. 

That was when I felt my heart drop and my eyes fill with tears. 

  "I h-have n-never been told that before." I explained, crying. RM wiped away my tears and held me close. I continued to cry into his shirt. I felt his arms wrap around me. I felt so safe in his arms. "It's going to be ok, Talia. I'm right here." he whispered into my ears.

 Once most of my tears had dried up,I looked up into his face and said: "Thanks for being here with me." "No problem, I'm always here for the girl I love." he replied, placing a hand on my cheek, "I will always be there to protect and comfort you." 

After that, all I wanted to do was stay with him forever in this moment.

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