Chapter 6: Each Other's Love

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  After lunch, we walked out of the restaurant. "Thanks for bringing me here." I explained, standing next to the passenger side of the car. "No problem. Thought a lunch date would be nice for your first date." he replied, smiling. I sigh and say: "You do know that I can't get enough of your smile." "Oh, I know." he explained, whinking. We got in the car and headed back to my hotel. 

  Once we arrived at the hotel, RM pulled the car up at the curb in front of the hotel doors. I unbuckled my seat belt and before I got out, RM said: "Goodbye beautiful. I had fun today." "Me too. Let's go out again soon." I replied. He nodded and started driving away. I stood there, waving, until he turned on to the road. I then walked into the hotel.

   The minute I stepped in, screams filled the lobby. I looked around for the source of the screaming. Everyone was running towards me, but most of them were girls. They all started asking me questions about me being with RM. They surrounded me and I couldn't get out. "Umm excuse me, can I go to my room please?" I asked, but I didn't get the response I was hoping for. 

  More questions kept flying at me faster than a falcon on a rainy day.

  So, I fought my way through the crowd and managed to get to the elevator. I got in and quickly closed the door before the girls could ask more questions. As soon as the door closed, I breathed a sigh of relief. Let's hope I don't encounter another crowd. I thought. I was so wrong. 

  When the doors opened on my floor, more girls were there. Apparently, the news spread quicker than a wildfire. Just as before, I shoved my way through, got to my door, and went inside. Well, looks like I won't be leaving. I said to myself. I collapsed on my bed and knew that I needed to tell RM. I pulled out my phone and started to text him. I explained everything that happened. He texted me that the other members had asked about me and where he was. He continued by saying that at least we got each other.

~5 Days Later

  I sat in my hotel room, doing homework. I tried to focus, but I couldn't shake the thought of all of those girls who had asked me about RM. I can't believe that everyone knows about me and RM, I thought, Now it's going to be all over the news. Yet again, I try to focus on homework, but my eyes grew drowsy and I fell asleep at my desk. I must have slept for about 30 minutes because my phone started beeping like crazy with notifications. I yawned and then looked at my phone.

  My jaw dropped when I saw what they were about.

   They were all about me and RM. I quickly opened Instagram and saw, with shock, that there was pictures of us. I scrolled through them. One showed me with him in his car and another showed me getting out. What did I get into? I thought. With that thought, I put my phone back down and went back to sleep, but this time on my bed. I slowly drifted into a dream sleep and a dream comes into my mind.

~Dream Starts

  I sat outside my bedroom door, waiting. "RM, are you done changing? I have been waiting for an hour." I explained through the door. "Almost done, just be patient." he replied. But, I couldn't stand it anymore. "I'm coming in." I said. Before he could speak, I barged in and quickly regretted it. 

 RM stood there in only a pair of sleep pants and no shirt. He had six-pack abs that reminded me of a chocolate bar and that made him hotter than before. I turned around, blushing a deep red, and was about to leave when he grabbed my arm. Shocked, I turned back around. "Please don't go, it's ok. I'm already done." he explained, letting go of my arm. "Ok. Can I at least get changed?" I asked. "Sure." he replied. He grabbed a plain white t-shirt, put it on, and then left. I closed the bedroom door and quickly got changed. 

  Once I finished, I went to the living room where RM was turning on the tv. We had decided on a movie date at my house. "Is the movie already in?" I asked, walking over to the couch where RM was sitting and I sat down beside him. "Yep, it is. You ready?" he replied. I nodded and he started the movie. During the movie, we cried and laughed together. 

  When the credits started rolling, I yawned and asked: "Aren't you tired, babe?" He nodded some. "Then, how about we head to bed?" I suggested, looking in his direction. "Yeah, but since we are already here, how about we sleep here?" he asked, putting the movie away. "That, actually, sounds like a great idea" I replied, grabbing blankets and pillows. He smiled and we got everything set up. Once everything was set up, we snuggled together on the couch. "Did you enjoy the movie?" RM asked. "Yeah, I did," I say, "But it's always better when I'm with you." He smiled and I kissed him. He kissed back and we snuggled closer.

~Dream Ends

I was woken up by a loud knocking on my door. When I opened it, my jaw dropped. Standing there was my childhood friend, Dylan Ngo. "D-Dylan,what are you doing here?" I asked. "Look, I know it has been a long time, since we last saw each other. But can we talk?" he explained.

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