Running away

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You are Karkat Vantas now-
I'm awaiting for Kanaya to arrive and walk home with me. She always seem to do this. Well not always. Gamzee usually did this before and let me stay at his house a lot. It doesn't happen for many reasons that I don't discuss. Finally Kanaya comes and we start walking in silence. I'm kind of surprised by the silence, but it was nice being able to think. The reason Gamzee use to let me stay over is because my dad after my mother's death came back drunk and abused both me and my brother. After a while my brother went off to college and left me with him. I couldn't always get away from him. When we finally got to my house Kanaya looked at me worried, "Are you sure you don't want to stay over again?" She asked in her usual motherly tone. "N-no I'll be fine Kanaya. I'll get through it. Thanks anyway." I said sighing a bit and walked off grabbing my key and I glanced at Kanaya. She looked at me a moment longer then left. Part of me wishes she didn't leave, but whatever. I opened the door slowly glancing in. He wasn't in the living room so maybe he's asleep? Or at work? I don't know I walk in cautiously and close the door not making to much noise as I lock it up and start to walk to my room now. I dropped my bag and sighed lightly. Then I was suddenly grabbed and shoved into a wall. "So where have you been? Hiding from your old pops again eh?" He laughed. Obviously he was drunk. "N-no.....I jus-..." I was punched. "Did I say you could fucking speak?! You fucking piece of shit!! It's all your fault you know that!!?" He yelled at me then dropped me to the floor kicking me. I started coughing and trying not to cry. "Cry you little fucking freak!! Cry cry cry!! All you ever do is that!!! You caused all of this!! Now your going to fucking pay! Stay here!!" He gave me a death glare and he just grabbed my throat getting out a small pocket knife he always seemed to keep with him. Then he lightly slid it by my throat letting some blood out, but didn't put to much pressure in which it would damage me completely. To be honest it still hurt like hell. He shoved me at the wall and walked off and I just whimpered. When he left I scurred up and grabbed my phone then went to open the window. When I heard glass shatter I got scared and just jumped out of there. I couldn't handle it. I didn't want that to be my end I heard him yelling saying that he was going to kill me, but I continued to run until I found Kanayas house and just knocked. Kanaya opened the door immediately. Once she saw me she helped me. I wheezed, "He's going to kill me... He's going to kill me....!!" I whimpered and she just shooshed me and pulled me into a hug. "I'm not going to let him kill you. Your staying here alright?" She looked at me now and I just nodded still trying to catch my breath. She took me to her room now and we both just sat on the floor as she helped me calm down from it.
Lets let Karkat calm down and see what Dave's up to-
To avoid having to have a strife battle with my bro I decide instead to have a walk and shit. While during my walk I  heard some yelling from a certain house a little bit further away. I'm pretty sure someone else ran out, but it was a bit hard to tell since they were far away. The person ran off somewhere. I just glanced around and silently kind of of followed the person trying to get closer. Not in any weird way because I'm a cool dude. Then the person had stopped at a certain house that I knew was Kanayas. Hmm... Weird, but okay. So they know Kanaya and seem to be in a good relationship with her. Doesn't exactly narrow things done that much, but kind of does. I could ask Rose, but then she might think I'm some stalker bitch. Eh, I could explain it to her. I start to walk to Roses house and knock on the door. Fortunately Rose answered and not her weird mother. She let me inside and we just sat on the. "So what brings you to the home of the Lalondes today?" She asked sarcastically. I gave her my normal straight face, "I heard some yelling from like a house by Kanayas house, but not Kanayas house. Then some dude ran out and went to Kanayas house." I said. "So?" Rose had questioned. "Do you know anyone that Kanaya is relatively close to that lives near her house?" I asked. "Well from the sounds of it. If it is who in sadly expecting it to be from then I know, but I am unable to say." She said and sounded a bit more serious. "What why? Who is it?" I asked slightly annoyed now. "I was allowed to have this information, but by knowing this information I have also sworn the information to secrecy due to it being very personal and the person who told me said that is the only way to know the information." Rose said and looked at me. I crossed my arms, "Rose can you at least give me yknow hints to figure out?" I asked with only the slightest of a desperate tone. Rose seemed to think for a second, "So you say I can give the hints however I like is this correct?" She asked now a bit excited. "Uh, yeah sure go ahead." Rose smiled as I said this. "Alright, I chose to present my hints as riddles and rhymes." She said. "Dude, you are not going to use my sick rhymes against me." I said looking at her a bit surprised. "You said I could do it however I like!" She chimed. "Anyway you get a hint or possibly two a day." She smiled at me like the very evil being she is. "Fine give me my first one." I said sighing a bit. "Mhm. A boy who's claws have been his way of hiding his lies, he hides in the shadow making it hard for one to follow, has eyes like glass that nobody can face, only a friend mother has ever tried to fix the broken boy who stays awake at night and wonders when the end will find it's way to him or he'll find his way to the end." She smirked at me. I thought for a bit. "It's not like I'm going to go easy on you. This person wants to keep it a secret and I swore that I would never really tell anyone who it is."

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