Follow Through

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Karkat let's visit into your mind-
I sighed I was still shaky. He was after me and if he did finds me I was going to be dead meat. Though Kanaya had told me it wouldn't happen and I trust her. I glanced around then looked from Dave to Rose to back to Dave. He seemed a bit confused, but calm and maybe worried? I don't think I read that correctly. I looked away now and glanced at Kanaya. Then I just unlocked the door and glanced out to make sure we were clear. I looked back at Kanaya and just nodded before walking out myself. Kanaya, Rose, and Dave followed after. I glanced before just heading off without them. Obviously they were giving Dave some kind of explanation, but really I was pretty much just checking everywhere I went to make sure he wasn't there. Though I jumped slightly feeling a hand on my shoulder. When I turned around I saw the Strider. I grabbed his hand and got it off my shoulder before I could drop it he slightly tightened his grip on my hand and pulled me in and hugged me? Wait, wait, what? Though he was actually really warm and.. ughhhh no! He pulled away letting me go and I just looked at him completely confused. "What the act-??" Before I could get my sentence I heard the spider bitch calling my name. She ended up being behind me. Before she could grab me I fucking ran. She was running after me just yelling at me. Fuck no! I'm not letting her fucking try and do shit to me! Eventually though she had just tackled. I ended up having to kick her off. Gogdamn this bitch does not ever wish to stop. "Can you leave me the fuck alone?!" I growled at her then just got off the ground. She got up then grabbed my collar, "I swear to gog you will never make me look like a fucking weak piece of shit again." She growled at me. "Well for one don't fucking talk about shit you don't know about. Then will be completely fine." I said with slight annoyance in my voice. "Are you seriously back talking me you little shit?! I should fucking hurt you right now, but hmm I'll do at a point were you won't expect it. How 'bout that?" She said and dropped my collar. I rolled my eyes, "Yeah sure, whatever you wish Serket. I'll be on my way then." Then I just walked away with her going her own way. I quickly found Kanaya. She had been doing her weird motherly stalking thing and was behind the corner. "Hi?" I questioningly looked at her. She jumped back. That's when I noticed Rose and Dave as well. "Oh! Uh, Karkat hi." She smiled nervously. "Yup not even going to question what I just found." I said glancing at them then had tried to walk off, but was dragged away by, Lalonde? Okay weird.  "Karkat when are you going to ask him?" Rose asked me. "I don't know. You realize that this is a really weird thing to ask. Plus, I don't really know how.." I said looking down a bit embarrassed. Then I felt her hand on my shoulder, "Karkat I know this is hard. And kind of weird, but you know you have to do this at some point before the end of the day." I nodded sighing a bit. Then just glanced over at Kanaya and the Strider. Kanaya seemed to be talking to him, but when she saw me she went quite. I looked away and she seemed to go back to her conversation. I looked up at Rose, "How do I ask then?" I asked her she seemed to smile at something, but then suddenly there was a familiar hand on my shoulder, "Hey dude, want to stay at my place for a bit?" He asked. I glanced over at Kanaya who just waved and nodded her head yes like it was a command. I glanced at the Strider before just slightly, "U-uh.... Yeah.." I said lightly. He seemed to smile, "Sweet." Then he moved and walked away. Kanaya came over and I just crossed my arms. "I had to help you with this. I knew you wouldn't know directly how to do this." Is all she said before the bell rang. I just rolled my eyes and started to walk away.
~Time skip because school is boring~
I had meet the Strider after school. Though I still didn't feel completely safe I at least feel slightly safer then having to be alone. We started to walk to his house which wasn't that far from Kanayas and everything. When we got there the house was surprisingly huge. Like he lived in some kind of mansion that looked like a normal house. Though it was filled with a bunch of... Smuppets? Weird. The Strider seemed to notice my weirded out look I gave the smuppets because he said, "Yeah my bro has this weird obsession with them." I just glanced at him before looking around. The Strider started to lead me to his room. "Oh my Bros going to be out of the house for a little while so yeah." He said and I just nodded. He kept giving me what appeared to be an interested look. I tried to ignore it. There was a long silence between us until he broke it, "So tell why the hell you were so freaked out when you and Kanaya came in there." He looked over at me sitting on the bed and patting a spot next to him. "Uhm....." I muttered thinking of some excuse as I sat down, but looked away. Then I just bit my lip as he continued staring at me with an interested look. "I....I um...." I muttered looking down. I wanted to tell him because of what I was told by Rose, but it just seemed so hard to do. I sighed lightly, "I don't think I can tell you right now...." I muttered looking down. He just nodded now basically trying to read my expression. "That's cool. I get it of you don't feel comfortable sharing." He said.
Dave let's see how you veiw this-
I didn't mind him not telling me. For some reason it kind of just worries me. Sure when I first meet him he seemed so much like just an asshole, but from what Kanaya and rose are telling me he probably has a good reason for being so closed up and asshole like. I'm just hoping Bro doesn't come back when he's still here. God he'd probably embarrass me somehow. I noticed him just glancing around the room. "So..." I tried to think of something to say or talk about. He glanced at me a bit confused, but in an expecting way. "Um, what's going on with your weird relationship with Kanaya?" I just asked and mentally face palmed myself for asking that. He shrugged, "She's kind of like a weird motherly figure I guess. I don't understand her need to be like that and try and protect me all the time, but I let her do whatever." He looked at me. "So I see. And her relationship with my cousin?" I asked. "Hell if I know. I know that Rose has definitely started picking up on a lot of what Kanaya does. Somehow she's able to convince me to do shit as well as Kanaya. So fucking weird." He said rolling his eyes. I gave a small, "Yeah I've noticed that as well. Plus, Rose has got that weird therapist vibe." I looked over at him. "Yup she definitely does." Karkat said thinking about it. God, why must he look so, cute? Wait, did I seriously think that? Ugh, stop it Strider. Be cool. I just smiled lightly, "Pffft- she tends to try to be weird like that as well. Though she is probably going to study to be  a phsycologist." I looked over. He seemed to nod in an understanding way like he knew it, but he seemed to be drifting off into his own thoughts. I was trying to figure out weather I should wave my hand in front of his face to get his attention again or not. Suddenly he shook his head once then immediatley jumped when there was a knock at the door. He seemed to calm down and I just went to get the door. Karkat seemed to follow, but hid not wanting to be in the site of the door. I shrugged and opened it. I glanced at the guy in front of me. He looked like he was in a gang and just got out of a fight. The guys smell was worse. He reeked off alcohol and cigarette smoke. The guy looked at me and glanced a bit. Karkat seemed to be absolutely terrified as he hid out of the guys sight. Now he spoke, "Hey, Do you know a kid named Karkat Vantas?" I swear when I looked at Karkat he looked like he was going to have a panic attack then and there he looked at me and shook his head 'no!'. Dave just glanced at the guy who was waiting and just shook his head and said, "Nah, never met no one with the name." I said. He looked at me suspiciously and gave a quick glance around. Then just nodded, "Well if ya find him send him home." Then he lit a cigarette and started to walk away. I closed the door feeling relieved that he was gone. I heard a shaky sigh coming from Karkat and looked over at him. Okay I'm sorry, but now there needs to be a bit of questioning. "Karkat, dude, bro, who the hell was that? How'd he know you?" I said and he glanced at me. Then gave a small muttered as he stuttered it out, "That.... That was my dad...." He looked away. I continued to look at him, "Is he in some gang? Why'd you run away? Did he do anything?" I asked. He just shook his head, "I-...... I ran away for my own reasons and I'd rather you not get caught up in all this bullshit." This kind of made me frown, but I'm guessing Rose's whole plan is for me to figure out the whole. I'm going to be definitely getting into this bullshit.

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