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Karkats POV-
I was trying to calm down from this. I'm glad Dave listened when I told him to say I wasn't here. Gog knows what'd happen if he didn't. I'd probably get killed on the spot. Dave looked worried and like he was thinking I sighed lightly, "I'm going to call Kanaya real quick, is that okay?" I asked now looking over at Dave. Dave nodded, "Yeah, that's fine, dude. I've gotta have a talk with Rose anyway." He said and started to walk away. I just walked in the other direction and went somewhere private so I could talk to her. When finally she picked up I started spilling everything that just happened, of course with the consent of her, because I'm not that low gogdamn. She just listens. She's really good at that. Listening then trying to help me with it. Sometimes she just calms me down by singing, other times she tells me encouraging things, though normally I'm at her house where she physically calms me down.
Dave's POV~
I walked to my room and called Rose. There was some background noise of just what Rose said was Kanaya. I told her what happened and she listened and said that she already knew. I asked her a few things about really Karkats family because that kind of worries me now. She answered my question with, "Karkats mom died I believe when he was about 8. His brother, Kankri, had moved away and went to college. Karkat lives alone with his dad now who ultimately isn't the best, he isn't home a lot of the time and his mood when he is I've heard is just a gamble. Karkat says he likes it more when his dad is passed out. When he's gone it means he's doing something terrible i.e going to the bar and if he doesn't come back, yeah. It's well interesting..." She said sighing like she herself didn't like to talk about it. Then I tried to ask her about what Kanaya was saying to Karkat. Come on a guys curious! Though Rose wouldn't budge until there was a small voice of soft singing in the background again probably Kanaya. Then Rose just asked how it was going. I told her the truth. It's hella awkward, but we only slightly talked and it was about her. Then she suggested the weirdest game ever. Truth or Dare. Honestly the game is pretty lame and more of a middle school game, but I told her I'd give it a try. Then she decided to say goodbye and hang up quickly like she had to do something. I just let her be and decided to check on KitKat and see what he was doing. Now the real question is where did he go? I know he wouldn't have gone outside if his dad is out looking for him. So he's gotta be in the house.
A bit of searching a finding later.
I stumble to where he's at. He's just kind of curled up in the corner of some guest room. In a way that kind of makes me want to hug him. Though he moves a bit and seems to put away his phone before glancing up and noticing me. He seems embarrassed and just a bit scared, but soon gets up and faces me.
Karkats POV~
Not going to lie, Dave looks intimidating with his height when he kind of just lomes over you like that. I get up and kind of just wave at him. Finally, he breaks the silence, "Yo, so uh," he looks away, "Would ya like to play truth or dare? Rose said it might be a good idea to play something like that." He said seeming totally embarrassed on it. "Uh, sure I guess so." I said and shrugged not having any eye contact at all. We move to Dave's room which he always seems more comfortable in. We sit on the bed and he decides to go first, "Truth or Dare?" He seems to only slightly know what he's doing. "Truth." I was hesitant since really I didn't know why this was such a good idea to Rose. "Hmm... Is your dad in some kind of gang?" He asks. I look away, "No, he just, um, likes to fight with people I guess." I said since I knew it was true. He likes fighting at bars over stupid things. Dave nods lightly. "Truth or dare?" I look at him. "Truth." He says like he's confident in it. I ask the only thing that comes to mind, "Why do you never take the shades off?" Dave seems stumped. Then just readjusts the shades, "Ironic reasons." He says quickly. I can tell that it isn't entirely true, but I'll just let him be. "Truth or dare?" He asks with a tempting voice. "Dare." I said. Hey this can't just be a question game. He smirks, "I dare you to watch a horror movie with me later." He says and I think he's looking at me. I just sort of look at him giving him that 'seriously' look before looking away and sighing. "Fine, truth or dare?" I ask crossing my arms. "Dare." Fucking finally. "I dare you to show me your eyes sometime today. " I say with a slight smirk. He looked at me I could tell that he was a bit stumped on this, "Dude, the shades stay on." He says with an oddly strictly. I frown at him. He seems nervous, but tries to stay cool, "Maybe some other time dude." I sigh, but nod lightly. Dave doesn't seem to pleased with that reaction, but just shrugs.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2019 ⏰

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