Starting the plan

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School time with Dave-
I only now know how many rumours there were about Karkat. Since his life seemed to secretive to everyone else. One rumour seemed to be consistent and it seemed to be about his mom. Apparently she had died somehow and no one can get the reason out of him. Though I don't know why anyone would want to pressure someone into trying to get them to tell something like that. Rumours seemed to actually follow. When he walked in Kanaya dragged him away and seemed to be putting something on his face near his eye? I don't really know. Then straight after that he started getting followed and taunted by the big bad bitch of the school, Vriska Serket herself. She was taunting him about his dad and he was trying not to snap at her. Well trying became failing as he walked into his first class (that I ended up being in as well) and put his stuff down where he usually sat. Then he just snapped. He turned to face her and it all started to go down.
Karkat snap at this little spider bitch-
I growled as soon as I faced her and she was smirking like the bitch she was. "Can you just fucking shut it?! Or is it seriously impossible for the spider bitch to close her fucking mouth and leave me alone?!" I yelled at her trying to ignore the few people in the classroom that we're staring at us. "Aw can little Karkat not take it?" She teased, "Oh, and what are you going to do if I don't stop it?" She asked still smirking. I could tell that some shit was about to go down, but suddenly I was pushed to the wall with her holding onto my collar. She got close and just whispered, "I'm sure daddy doesn't care about you being in pain." She seemed happy as she felt where I had previously got cut by him. Then I growled loudly. That was it, no I'm fucking done with this bullshit. I kicked her in the stomach and she let me go. "Y'know that's something I already knew and after I knew I stopped hoping that it'd just magically happened." I growled at her and ended up walking out. I was way too tired to deal with her bullshit right now.
Dave be wowed-
Holy..fucking..shit.... What the hell just happened? It kind of happened quickly. Suddenly Karkat was on the wall being hell by Vriska. Then suddenly Vriska was doubling over and Karkat just left. I glanced at Vriska and kinda snickered before getting up and trying to follow Karkat, but he was moving way to fast and seemed to persistent. Then suddenly Karkat was grabbed by Kanaya and Rose and dragged somewhere. I looked at Rose and she finally noticed me and gave me one of her looks that told me she'll tell me later. I just nodded still a bit confused. Then suddenly Vriska bumped into me then  glared at me, "Hey you, Mr. Cool kid do you know where that dumbass went?" She asked. I rolled my eyes which weren't visible due to the fact that I was wearing my shades. "Nah, didn't see where he went. The little dude scurried away." I said with my all to familiar stoic voice. She glared at me for a second then walked past me still looking for him. I sighed and glanced at where they were hiding. Though suddenly I was grabbed by Rose and dragged into the room. It wasn't really that big, but not to small to where we were all squashed together. Karkat and Kanaya seemed to be having some kind of conversation. I was snapped back into reality when Rose snapped her fingers to get my attention. "Okay got your attention, good. You may not know exactly what's going down, but meet me here later and I'll explain it." She said and I nodded and glanced over at Karkat and Kanaya. Who had still been talking quietly still and seemed unaware of my precense. Though they both seemed rather tense and we're arguing at some points, but it was obviously something they both didn't real like. I looked at Rose who looked back at me. "If Karkat ends up asking you about staying over or anything. Say yes. It is very important and you'll understand why soon, just if he does say yes." She said then pushed me out so I could leave. And I walked away slowly before I noticed them coming out of there still all now seeming to be talking quietly. They went to there second periods as I did mine.
Okay Dave this is boring, let's head to lunch and also let's be Karkat-
We're heading to lunch and I have a huge as headache. Me and Kanaya had this whole conversation about how I needed to stay at Striders house to get closer to him and also so she can set up and actual room for me and everything, but really I felt that would be way to weird since I pushed him away so much. She kept on insisting though so eventually I gave in. Apparently at this time Rose was going to explain a few things to him so he can at least understand a bit. Which I don't completely get, but whatever. I have to keep my eyes out for miss spider bitch because she's been hunting my ass ever since the whole incident. I had kind of just skipped lunch with Kanaya and everything and we were waiting outside of the door where Strider and Rose went into to talk. It was oddly silent. A feeling I didn't always like since it always had that warning sign of danger, but I could somewhat feel calm right now. Though hearing a few things didn't exactly make me feel as calm. Definitely not... Wait shit!!! I could hear him!!! He's in my school!! I... I shit!!! I grabbed Kanaya and urged her into the room. She noticed and followed quickly. Then shut the door locking it. Dave tried to ask what was going on, but I immediately shooshed him. I felt the panic rising as I could hear footsteps coming closer. I covered my mouth wanting to show no signs of life even being there. When I heard the footsteps go away I slightly listened until they seemed to be completely calm I started to just pace around and talk to myself quietly. Until I felt Kanaya sit me down and silently pet me while shooshinh me back to reality and back to being more calm.
Be the Strider-
I watched as I and Rose's conversation quickly ended as a completely panicked troll walked in and another motherly troll walk in and lock the door. I was completely shooshed of even asking questions. Then after I just see Karkat pacing and talking to himself completely panicked and shaky. Before Kanaya had made him sit down and started lightly petting and shoohing him. I looked at Rose a bit stunned? confused? I don't really know. She motioned for me to be quiet and just continue watching. Finally when Karkat seems more calm on Kanaya he just mutters a few things to her she seems to sigh and respond. He nodded lightly. Then she just smiled at him. Somehow Rose ended up being next to me and muttered to me, "Something you might need to learn to do if you plan on letting him stay with you. It could come naturally, but it may not." She said and looked at them. Karkat got up sighing ever so slightly. He was trying to be more calm, but he was so obviously shaky.

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