Figuring it out

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Dave try to deal with this-
Rose got a phone call right after she told me. It was Kanaya. She got up and had went outside. I got up and started to listen through the door. Though I couldn't hear all of it I could hear some of it. "Kanaya? Mhm I got the news. Is he alright? Well alright then at least he's calm now. So how do we deal with it this time. Ah... Do you think this'll work? His father... He was able to trick them the last few times. I don't even know if my mom would let me do this again she might have just started believing the lies his father keeps spewing. Alright. We've got to get to get more information. I think I know who can help us, but we'll have to get him to agree to it. That might be hard to do though." Rose sighed after a bit of listening, "Alright, we can at least try still, correct? Yeah. Great." She said and seemed to just hang up. I scurried back to my seat. She walked in and looked at me. "Dave, you listened didn't you?" She sighed. "No! I know how to give people privacy." I crossed my arms over my chest. "Dave." She glared at me. "....Maybe a bit." I muttered. "Yeah that's what I expected. Anyway you need to leave since I'm going to leave to go to Kanayas." She said and headed for the door and I got up following her to the door. "Bye Dave. And try to decipher the riddle." She smiled softly then walked off to the direction of Kanayas. I sigh lightly and walk to my house thinking about the riddle and what I had just found out. It sounded like she this was definitely a very secretive thing happening. Or they're going to court or some shit? I don't know. Someone who uses claws as a defense? They hide in the shadows. This kind of sounds like Karkat, but from the last lines it can't be, right? Maybe it's someone else I don't know that they do. Hm, maybe it is though. Then why would he be running to Kanayas house in such a hurry? Ugh this is way to much.
Alright enough of Dave let's go to Karkat-
We were just waiting there for Rose to show up. I was still a bit jumpy from the whole thing, but whatever. Kanaya was making me rest on her lap as she gently pet me trying to get me to completely calm down. I sighed lightly then jumped hearing the door open. "Woah... Calm down it's just me." Rose said putting her hands up. I nodded calming down a bit more. Kanaya began to pet me again. "So who is this other person you found that could help us against... Him." Kanaya asked curiously. "Well Karkat you might have actually talked to him today. It's Dave, Dave Strider." Rose said looking at me. I just growled and backed away underneath Kanayas bed, "No. No. No. No." Rose looked at me then Kanaya had spoke up, "Come on, Karkat. You want to win this, right? He could be helpful if you just let him in. I know it's hard, but I think you need it both to win this trial and for yourself really." Karkat glanced at her a bit before sighing lightly, "I-I do.... It's just as you said it's harder... I don't know how to or I don't know... I don't know if I can just let him in to shit like this... Like what if I tell him and something bad happens or.... Ugh..." I groaned and got out from underneath the bed. "Karkat I can assure you that nothing bad will happen to him and he seems to be very trustworthy despite his appearances of not always acting like it and we can help you guys become closer before you tell him anything." Kanaya said and looked me in the eyes. I just nodded lightly, "Fine I'll try..." I muttered then layed onto her starting to feel tired after all of this.

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