#1 Finding out

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LUKE: I was at home on my phone text Luke and i started having horrible cramps so i thought i must be on my period so i went up stairs to the bathroom and grabbed a tampon and then i realized that i wasn't bleeding and i said "how can i not be starting?! my period is never late!" and then i remember that me and Luke been trying to have a baby ever since we got engaged so i quickly went to store and bought a test and while i was checking out i had another bad cramp so when i got home Luke was there and he said to me "hey babe, where have you been?" and i said back to him with a nervous voice "i had to go run some errands" and he smiled and said "okay." so i started feeling more pain and i ran upstairs and i quickly unboxed the test and before i took the test Luke knocked on the door asking me "are you okay?" and i said "yes.." and he said to me "are you sure?" and i sighed saying back to him "yea im sure!" and he said "alright, just making sure" and i grabbed the test and took it and i crossed my fingers saying "please dont come back positive" and finally the results came back and i closed my eyes hoping its a negative and it came positive... i cried saying "how am i gonna tell Luke?.. Im not ready for a baby."

 ASH: It was 6am and i was sleeping when i felt awful cramps and Ashton was gone for the week and i tried taking pain killers but that didn't work so i realized i could having my period so i went to the bathroom and when i checked i wasn't bleeding and i said "how can my period be late? its never been late" so i went the laptop and starting searching about late periods and it said that late periods is a sign of pregnancy and i started freaking out so i quickly got dressed and got in the car and went to store and bought a test and i started having more cramps and i feel like i had to throw up so right after i check out i ran to the bathroom and starting vomiting and i started crying saying "please.. i dont wanna pregnant, im not ready" so i went a head and took the test and after i took it i closed my eye saying "please come back negative" and when i opened my eyes and the test said positive and i broke down in tears saying "noooo! im not ready.. why?"

MIKEY: Me and Michael just back from a party and i was so tired and when we got back Micahel just passed out on the bed and i was gonna take a nap but i realized i smelled like i've been digging throu a dumpster so i quickyly got in the shower but while showering i started have cramps i thought maybe i had too much to drink or i ate too much so after i jumped out i took pain killers and went to bed and an hour later i stared having more cramps so i woke up Mikey and i said to him "my stomach is killing me and i took pain killers but there not working and i think i should go to the hospital" and he scream "what!!" and feel off the bed and i said in a panicing voice "you heard me! i'm having really bad cramps and i need to go the hospital" and he said "did you take pain killers?" and i said in a sarcastic voice "yes, didn't you hear me?!?" and he said "fine just get in the car!!" and i said "but i'm not even ready, i need to get dress and do my hair and make up" and he said "who cares?? just get in the car" and i said back in sarcastic "alrighty, no need to be greedy and next time say 'please'!!" while walking out the door meanwhile in the doctor's office they said there was nothing wrong me and maybe i have food poisoning and they give me some pills to take and they were working perfect but the week after i started to notice that my period was late and i realized that i might be pregnant so i went to the hospital while Mikey was still asleep and at the hospital they did an ultrasound i was so scared because im not ready for a baby, i'm only 17 and finally the doctor said "congrats Y/N, your pregnant with twins!" and i said in a scared crying voice "what? are you kidding me"  and i bursted in to tears saying "oh my god.... how am i going to tell Michael i'm pregnant... WITH TWINS?!?!"

CAL: I was just waking up to see that Cal made me breakfast in bed and he said to me "happy birthday babe!!" and i said "aww, you remembered! thank you so much bae" and i hugged him and pulled him down on the bed and kissed him on the check and i said to him "so what are you planning today?" and he giggled "i'm not telling you! it's a surprise" and i said to him "ugh. you know i hate surprises, please tell me now!" and he said "never!!! haven't you ever heard of 'spoiler alert'!?" and i smiled and giggled saying "yes but i need to know nowwwwww!" and he got up saying "i'm keeping my mouth shut!" and zipped his mouth and walked away and i said in a sarcastic voice while laughing "i hate you so much" and he said "i hate you more" back i got up and went to the bathroom and i just noticed that im not starting my period and i said in a confused voice "what? how am i late?" and looked at your phone and i said "this app said i was suppose to start today! well that was 5 dollars down that drain" and throw my phone on the counter and i sighed and i realized that what if im pregant because me and Calum have been engaged for 3 weeks and we've been trying to have a baby so i quickly got dressed and i told Calum "i'm gonna go run some errands, i'll be back in a few minutes" and he said "okay" and i arrived at the store but i stating having some cramps and finally i felt so sick i could throw up but when checking out i had the worst headache and i finally got home and Calum wasn't there so i had enough time to take the test and after taking the test i crossed my fingers and closed my eyes and when i opened my eyes i was two lines and i knew that meant i was pregnant i whispered and started crying saying "cant believe that i'm gonna be a mother... but, im not ready..."

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