#13 he gets protective

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LUKE:  i woke up but i tried not to not wake up Luke and i went to the bathroom and starting having pain and really bad coughing and Luke woke up and walked in the bathroom asking me "are you okay?" and i looked at him and said "yea. im just really nervous" and he looked at me asking "why?" and i said "because the baby is due in two weeks and what if im not a good mother" and he laughed and said "why would you think that?" and i said while rubbing my bump "i dont know" and he hugged me and started touching my bump and said "i know your gonna be a good mother" and i smiled and said "really?" and he nodded and kissed my cheeks and he said "i feel like i should really start protecting you and the baby" and i said "is that really a good idea because you can get over overprotective sometimes" and he said "i promse i'll try not to get overprotective" and i looked at him and said "okay" and i went back to bed

ASH: i noticed Ashton has been protective lately and i really appreciate it but sometimes i need time to myself and the baby so i said to Ash "we really need to talk" and he said "sure about what?" and i said "i really appreciate you trying to protect me but i really need some time to myself and i know the baby can be born anyday now and your really worried but i need some me time" and he smiled and said "its okay i understand" and i put my head on his shouler and he put his hand on my bump and kissed my cheeked and i said "cant wait for the baby to be born" and he smiled and said "me too" and said "im going to bed" and he said "okay, i'll see you later" and i hugged him and said "okay love you babe"

MIKEY: I was really excited because the babies are due in three weeks but i woke up with awful pain and Michael was sleeping real heavy so i woke up and went to the kitchen  and grabbed an popsicle and my phone and when i was sitting on the couch i accidentally dropped my phone and i picked it up and Michael came ranning and i said "oh hey babe" and he said "what are you doing eating a popsicle at five in the morning and i said "i'm having cravings and im really scared" and he sat down next to me and said "why?" and i said "the twins are due in three weeks and i think im gonna be a bad mother" and he laughed and he said "are you kidding me? your gonna be the best mom ever" and i looked at him and sadid "i doubt it" and he put his head on my shoulers and said "wont worry, you'll make a perfect mother" and i smiled and said "thanks" and he said "i think i should really start protecting you and the babies" and i said "why?" and he said "i dont know i get worried easily" and i said "well i guess you should" and he smiled and said "love ya" and also took away my popsicle and started eating it and looked at him and said "hey, get your own" and he laughed and said "sorry i have cravings too even if im not the pregnant one" and i laughed and kissed his cheek

CAL: I was at the store getting some baby food and i started feeling kicking and Cal almost freaked out asking me "is it time?" and i looked at him and said "no Calum, i'm not suppose to be due until two weeks" and he said "sorry i guess i've been worried lately" and i said "yea i can tell" and he said "what if the baby is born early" and i said "Cal, dont worry i'll be fine" and he said "i should start protecting you more" and i told him "Cal, i'm gonna be okay and i promise the baby is not coming early" and he said "alright im just really nervous" and i giggled and said "dont be" and i put my header on his shoulder and said "i promise everything is gonna be okay just dont worry" and he laughed and said "okay"

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